Difference Between OOP and POP

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: April 30, 2023


Difference Between OOP and POP

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Object oriented programming (OOP) and Procedural programming (POP) are two different ways of programming that are often confused. In many cases, they can both achieve the same result, but OOP tends to allow you to go about the process in a much more effective way. Today, we’ll go over the differences between OOP and POP to help you better understand how they work and how you can use them in your coding processes to make your life easier!


In object-oriented programming (OOP), code is organized around objects, which are self-contained units that each have their data and methods. In contrast, procedural programming (POP) focuses on writing code that can be executed linearly, with each line of code depending on the one before it. OOP is more flexible and modular than POP, making it easier to create large programs that are easy to maintain and modify. Additionally, OOP makes it easier to reuse code, which can save time and money in the long run. For example, if a company already has an accounting module that needs to be modified for tax purposes, they would not need to start from scratch when implementing this new feature. They could simply add this new function onto the existing module rather than rewriting all of its code from scratch.

Difference Between OOP vs POP in Tabular Form

Parameters of Comparison OOP POP
Full form Object oriented programming Procedural oriented programming
Define Object oriented programming is a programming paradigm that uses objects and their interactions to design and write programs. Procedural oriented programming is a programming paradigm that follows a linear sequence of instructions to complete a task
Approach In object oriented programming, the programmer defines the data type of a data structure, and also the types of operations (functions) that can be applied to the data structure In a Procedural oriented programming approach, you would start by first defining what your business does and its core functions.
Use The existing code can be reused. No code reusability.
Division There are four basic principles of object-oriented programming: encapsulation, data hiding, inheritance, and polymorphism. No division
Approach     Bottom Up approach      Top down approach
Data hiding The data can be hidden using this Encapsulation. Here you cannot hide the data
Example C++, JAVA, VB.NET, C#.NET.      C, VB, FORTRAN, Pascal

What is OOP?

Object oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses objects and their interactions to design and write programs. OOP is different from traditional procedural programming in that it focuses on data rather than on procedures. OOP languages like Java and C# are based on the concept of classes, which are templates for creating objects. Objects have attributes (data) and methods (functions), and they can be organized into hierarchies.

Object-situated writing computer programs is a PC programming plan reasoning or philosophy that sorts out/models programming plan around information or items as opposed to capabilities and rationale. It incorporates two words, "object" and "arranged".

Approach in OOP

In object oriented programming, the programmer defines the data type of a data structure, and also the types of operations (functions) that can be applied to the data structure. In addition, the programmer can define relationships between data types. For example, a Rectangle class could inherit from a Point class, meaning it would have all the properties of a Point, plus additional properties specific to rectangles. In POP, there is no inheritance or any form of abstraction in terms of data types. The program is written as a series of commands with function calls, just like how you would give instructions to an assistant doing work for you. There are two ways to use POP: either inline mode or command mode. Line mode means you can enter one command at a time at the prompt before pressing Enter. Command mode allows you to enter many commands on one line before pressing Enter.

Division in OOP

There are four basic principles of object oriented programming: encapsulation, data hiding, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Encapsulation is the concept of wrapping code and data together into a single unit, or object. Data hiding is the process of hiding information within an object so that it can only be accessed by authorized methods. Inheritance is when an object is created from another object, and it inherits all of the parent object's properties and behavior. Polymorphism is when an object can take on multiple forms.

In contrast, procedural programming focuses on procedures, or functions, that operate on data structures. It doesn't have any concept of objects or classes. Data and code are not encapsulated together in procedural programming - they are separate entities.

Inheritance Supported in OOP

Inheritance is a key concept in object oriented programming (OOP). It allows you to create a new class that reuses, extends, or modifies the behavior of an existing class. The new class is called a derived class, and the existing class is called a base class. Inheritance is used to promote code reuse and avoid duplication of code. In OOP, there are two ways to use inheritance: single inheritance and multiple inheritances. Single inheritance is when one class inherits from one other class; whereas multiple inheritances are when one class inherits from more than one other class.

Access Control in OOP

One of the key differences between OOP and POP is access control. In OOP, you can use visibility modifiers to control who has access to your class's data and methods. For example, you can use the private modifier to restrict access to certain members of your class. This way, only code within your class can access these members. On the other hand, POP does not have any concept of visibility modifiers. All data and methods in a POP program are public by default, which means that any code can access them.

Data Hiding in OOP

In object oriented programming, data hiding is one of the four fundamental principles (along with encapsulation, abstraction, and inheritance). It is the technique of keeping sensitive information within an object to prevent that data from being directly accessed by outside users. Data is only available to other objects if they are permitted by the owner of the object. For example, a company might keep all employee salary information inside their company database instead of making it publically available on a website.

Example of OOP

OOP, or Object Oriented Programming, is a programming paradigm that focuses on creating objects that interact with one another. OOP languages typically provide features such as inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.

What is POP?

Pop (procedural oriented programming) is a programming paradigm that follows a linear sequence of instructions to complete a task. OOP (object oriented programming), on the other hand, relies on objects that contain both data and behavior. These objects can interact with each other to complete a task.

It is characterized as a programming language got from the construction programming and in light of calling methodology. The systems are the capabilities, schedules, or subroutines that comprise of the computational advances expected to be conveyed. It follows a bit by bit approach to separate an undertaking into a bunch of factors and schedules through a grouping of directions. So, what's the difference between these two paradigms?

Inheritance Supported in POP

Inheritance is a critical part of OOP, and it's not supported in Pop. Inheritance allows for code reuse and more robust code design. It also enables polymorphism, which is another key OOP concept. Without inheritance, Pop code can be more difficult to understand and maintain.

Access Control in POP

There are two types of access control in Pop: public and private. Public members can be accessed by anyone, while private members can only be accessed by members of the same class. This difference is important because it allows you to control how your data is used and accessed. For example, you may want to keep certain data private (like your Social Security number) to prevent others from accessing it.

Data Hiding in POP

In object-oriented programming, data hiding is a design principle that helps keep information safe from misuse and accidental modification. When data is hidden, it can only be accessed through the object's methods, which have been specifically designed to protect it. This makes it much harder for outside code to accidentally or deliberately corrupt the data. In contrast, data in a procedural program is not hidden at all-it can be accessed and modified by any part of the code. This makes procedural programs more vulnerable to errors and malicious attacks.

Example of POP

POP, or procedural-oriented programming, is a programming paradigm that follows a specific sequence of commands to complete a task. In other words, you tell the computer what to do step by step and it does it. This is in contrast to OOP, or object oriented programming, which groups code into objects that can interact with one another.

Main Differences Between OOP and POP in Points

When it comes to programming, there are two major paradigms: object-oriented programming (OOP) and procedural programming (POP). Though both approaches have their own set of benefits, they differ in a few key ways. Here are eight of the main differences between OOP and POP

  • Objects can change over time while data doesn't; this is one of the most significant differences between the two approaches. Data doesn't change much, but objects change every time you interact with them or write new code for them. For example, if you add an item to your shopping cart on Amazon when shopping online with POP, then the next time you open that same window again on that site - that item will still be in your cart even though you've added another one since then. With OOP, adding something new would cause all other items to be removed from your cart because they would no longer exist anymore as individual objects once we replaced them with new ones.
  • Data and objects are independent of each other; data has nothing to do with the behavior of an object and vice versa.
  • In POP, when you create an instance (a copy) of a class, its behavior is identical to that of any other instance created by using the same class.
  • Unlike OOP where all methods belong to classes alone, methods can also belong to instances in POP which means that instances share methods rather than having separate copies for each instance created using the same class like how OOP does things
  • In POP, all information about a program resides inside its code whereas in OOP everything about a program lives inside its memory
  • Procedural languages don't include complex features such as inheritance or polymorphism
  • First, data needs to be saved so that it can persist across different executions of a program. And second, without abstraction what would happen if some information was deleted? How would you keep track of changes made to programs without storing the old versions somewhere? That’s where abstraction plays an important role in not only saving changes but also keeping track of old versions.
  • Lastly, procedural programming is easier to understand because its execution order depends on the order in which commands are executed, unlike OOP whose execution order depends upon interactions with objects.


There are a few key differences between OOP and POP that you should be aware of before diving into coding. OOP, or Object-Oriented Programming, is a programming paradigm that relies on objects and classes to structure code. POP, or Procedural-Oriented Programming, is a programming paradigm that relies on procedures, or blocks of code, to structure code. Here are a few key differences between these two programming paradigms

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"Difference Between OOP and POP." Diffzy.com, 2024. Mon. 22 Apr. 2024. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-oop-and-pop-1029>.

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