Difference Between Would and Would Have

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: April 30, 2023


Difference Between Would and Would Have

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A verb is a word, or group of words, that describes the state of activity. Commonly, Verbs are preceded by various words. These words can be used to improve sentence structure and help verbs express the tense. These words are known as helping words. These words would be classified as aiding helping verbs. When used, they have a slight difference. It can be confusing for non-native English speakers. Many words may have the same importance and then again, one word can have many implications.

Modal verbs include words like "would have" and "would have". They don't have past structures, just like ordinary verbs. Individuals can then discuss the past by adding a participle to "would have" to a sentence.

Would vs Would Have

The difference between "would" and "would have" is that "would" communicates creativity and vulnerability. It is used when a situation is imagined, but it is not practical. While 'would' can be used to express or find out the certainty of an event or occurrence,

There are many uses for the word "Would". It is, however, often used in the past tense. It's used to refer to an earlier redundant encounter that hasn't happened anymore. "Would" also indicates readiness. For example, I wouldn't allow him to attend the gathering. It's used for revealed discourse, not 'will.

If there is an occurrence or occurrence, the articulation "would have" is used frequently to communicate or determine conviction. The use of would have is used to depict and show the outcome of a particular activity.

Difference Between Would and Would Have in Tabular Form

Parameters for Comparison Would Would Have
Definition "Would" is a helper action word that shows or communicates the result of an envisioned circumstance or occasion.        When we speak about a situation that we see or things that have happened before, "Would" is a common word.
Situation It shows past convictions about the future. It refers to a possible circumstance.
Use It is used to indicate capacity, probability, solicitations and offers, as well as consent. The phrase "would have" can be used to request consent and present a submission bid.
Tensed "Would" can be used to describe a possible or envisioned situation. It is often used when the conceivable scenario won't happen. "Would have" is a synonym for probability in a sentence.
Example Solicitation: Could you please give me a glass of water? If she were well, she would have attended the gathering.


Will is the past tense. It can also be used for expressing the consequences of an imagined incident. Also, it would convey consent. In the speech, the contraction would've is used often to express "would have". Although it sounds perilous, would've could sound like would of. However, the contraction would've been incorrect and should not be used. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, would is one of the most commonly used English words. Many examples of contractions can be found in Old English. Contractions have existed for as long as English has been spoken. While contractions have always been popular in spoken English language, there were times in history when they were not. Although contractions like would've aren't used in scientific and academic writing, they may be used in informal forms of written communication.

What is Would?

The word wolde, an early English word that was used to create the word 'Would', is where it all began. The root word for "would" is "Will". It is used as an aiding verb. You can abbreviate it to "d"; for example, I'd go shopping. It is used in the past tense for will. She stated, for example, that she would be busy for a few days.

"Would" communicates the restricted state of mind or the results of an envisioned situation or occasion. He might fail if he cheats during the test. It also communicates the desire or tendencies towards something. If given the chance, I would love to travel around Europe.

Could be used to provide guidance. Example: If I was you, I would have dropped out that year to concentrate on my health. It's used to make friendly solicitations. It can be used to ask for help, such as: Could you please clear the mess at the office?

This is used to communicate readiness or consent. Example: Would she like to live here?

This is used to communicate expectations or assessments. It is used to communicate an expectation or assessment. It's used to express a desire or sorrow. It is used to express a wish or lament.

What is the Helper Verb?

A Helper or Helping verb is what Would is. A helping verb is a verb that extends the meaning of the main verb. They are necessary to complete the sentence's structure and add detail to the main word. They also help to clarify the time-transference in a sentence. Helping verbs can be used to create complex, progressive and perfect verb tenses.

Auxiliary verbs are helping verbs that give meaning to the context in which they are used. This usage is so common, that the terms auxiliary verb and helping verb are often interchangeable. This kind of helping verb can be used to emphasize or express tense.

Auxiliary verbs (also known as helping verbs) add functional or grammatical meanings to the clauses where they are found. They can perform different functions:

  • Tense is used to indicate a time reference (i.e. Past, present, and future
  • Grammatical aspect (expresses how a verb is related to the flow time)
  • Modality (quantifies verbs).
  • Voice (describes how the verb's action is related to the actions of the participants identified as the verb's object, subject, or other).
  • Accentuate a sentence

Auxiliary verbs are almost always found together with the main verb. Although there are only a handful of them, they are some of the most common verbs in English.

How to identify an auxiliary verb?

Most people know that every sentence contains at least one verb. There are two types of verbs. There are two main types of verbs. Action verbs can be used to show activities that are possible while linking verbs can be used to describe conditions. Both linking verbs and action verbs can be used to accompany auxiliary verbs, including the main ones do and have.

Sometimes, actions and conditions only occur once. Sometimes, auxiliary verbs can be used in a way that makes it difficult to use the same verbs as linking verbs or action verbs. We see the word "is" in this example. This is one of the most commonly used auxiliary verbs. However, because it stands alone, it isn't functioning as an auxiliary verb.

Helping Verbs Use Rules and Tips

Knowing what helping verbs are is important. However, you should keep in mind that a sentence must not contain more than three of them. Helping verbs can perform the most complex work in English verb phrases when used correctly. Writers who are familiar with English sentence structure should approach the more complicated aspects, perfect and progressive, carefully. After a solid foundation in simple verbs, you should study helping verbs. You may need to go back to the basics of verbs to refresh your knowledge before you tackle these tenses.

When should you use would?

What does the meaning of would? You can also use the verb would with multiple meanings.

Would is the past tense or will. It denotes both certainty and ability.

  • High school was a time when I did my homework on the bus.
  • When I was at work, I would eat out more often.

These examples show that the speaker uses would to describe a past action. This is useful when comparing could and would.

Let's look at the first one.

  • High school was a time when I could do my homework by bus.
  • High school was a time when I did my homework on the bus.

Also, would is a modal verb that denotes possibility. It often refers to something conditional but definitive within those conditions.

These are just a few examples.

  • If I could take a vacation, it would most likely be somewhere tropical and warm.
  • If I had a million dollars, I would buy a large house.
  • Sources told The Post that a mega-luxury deal is being negotiated that would combine Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue. Source: The New York Post

These examples again make clear claims. Let's take a look at the first one.

  • If I could take a vacation, it would be somewhere tropical and warm.
  • If I could take a vacation, it would most likely be somewhere tropical and warm.

As you can see could be merely claiming ability. It could be somewhere tropical, or it could be somewhere cold, like Colorado for skiing.

There is no doubt about where vacation will take place if we use would. It will be somewhere tropical.

What would you do?

"Would have" is used when someone needs to demonstrate whether they are able to do something (volition). A person can also use 'would have' to talk about what they wanted, but didn't. When something that was almost certain to happen in an ordinary course of events didn't happen, or it turned out badly for the better.


  1. Although I would have liked to have breakfast, I was too late for work.
  2. I would have done my work, but I didn't get any.
  3. If the transport had not arrived on time, I would have been late.

"Would have" is a chance for an event to happen or not because of outside forces. It is used to show the ability of a sentence. When asking for something, you can use both 'could' and 'would'. However, 'could' is more formal than 'would'. In respectful solicitations, however, 'could' is used with ideas to show a possibility. Since it is more common, the word 'would' is used with welcomes or offers.

When to Use "Would have"

  • "Would" without a past participle (see below), is simply the conditional sentence plus the verb "to possess." It's used to express an unreal idea or untrue, which would or could be true if another thing were true.

We can, for example, say:

  • "I would have more money if I didn’t buy so many new shoes!" -> In reality, I have many new shoes and don’t have the money.
  • "I would have a better career if I had an MBA degree." -> Unfortunately, I didn't graduate with one and I don't have a job.
  • "You would have health issues if you smoked." -> I'm not a smoker, and I have good health.

Main Difference Between Would and Would Have in Points

There are main Difference between Would and Would Have

  • "Would" refers to past convictions regarding what's next. "Would have" refers to past convictions about what's to come.
  • "Would" can be used as a helper action word to communicate the outcome of an envisioned circumstance. "Would have," however, is frequently used in sentences when we speak about a situation that we only envision or things that are often occurring before.
  • To state capacity, probability and solicitations, "Would" can be used. The phrase "Would have" is used to present a submission bid or request consent.
  • "Would" can be used to describe a possible or envisioned situation. It is often used when the conceivable scenario won't happen. "Would have", however, indicates probability in a sentence.
  • A sentence that uses "Would" is "Would you kindly give me a glass of water?" A sentence that uses "Would" instead of "Would" is: Would you kindly give me a glass of water?


With another verb, "Would" may be used instead of "will". You could say, "Would you, if it's okay, give me a lift?" or "Would you like some tea?" Another way to look at the past is to see an incidental activity. She would, for example, sometimes nod off in her office while she was at school.

"Would' then again refers to an earlier evening or something that would have happened if something else had occurred. It could be, for example, that "yesterday" I would have seen all of the pictures if I had been able to complete the task on time. It is final and you have no control over it.



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"Difference Between Would and Would Have." Diffzy.com, 2024. Fri. 26 Apr. 2024. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-would-and-would-have-165>.

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