Difference Between Through and Via

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: September 15, 2023


Difference Between Through and Via

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Through and Via are two words that are often confused in English when it comes to their usage. They are said to have very slightly different meanings and connotations. Although the two words 'Through' and 'Via' have somewhat similar meanings, they are not that similar. It is somewhat helpful to know the meaning of both words and the subtle difference between them. This is because both words are often used in business communication. Knowing the difference can make one appear professional and make the speaker appear distinguished.

While both words are often used interchangeably, one must remember that through means' into', and via, on the other hand, has a sense of the word 'by'. According to the online dictionary Oxford Languages, the word 'through' means' moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location)'. On the other hand, Oxford Languages also states that the word via means' traveling through (a place), en route to a destination.'

Hence no further explanation is required to at least explain that though both words almost mean the same thing, there exists a very subtle difference between them that needs to be noted. The knowledge of the same can prevent one from making unnecessary errors in Business circles.

Through vs Via

Now that the difference between through and via is made slightly clearer let us consider the Cambridge English Dictionary's meaning of both words. This Dictionary often provides accurate information about the meaning of any word or phrase in the English language. According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, the word 'through' can be defined as 'from one end or side of something to the other'. On the other hand, the same dictionary defines the word 'Via' as 'going through or stopping at a place on the way to another place'.

A few examples of sentences that show us the correct usage of the word through are: 'We sat through three of the speeches, and then we left'. And 'Clarice had just enough energy to get through the day.'

Similarly, examples of sentences using the word via are: 'Deliveries are usually routed via Mumbai', and 'An Internet connection via broadband has many advantages' (The above two paragraphs are also taken from the Cambridge English Dictionary)

To better understand the differences in usage of both through and via, consider the following example sentences :

  • Belle went through the dense jungle.
  • She walked through the driveway.

The word through is commonly known to denote/mean the word 'into', If we use the word 'into' to replace the word 'through' in the same sentences, we can easily understand the real meaning and usage of the word through.

  • Belle went into the dense jungle.
  • She walked into the driveway.

Let us repeat the same, with another few examples. This will help us better understand the meaning of the word 'via'. To do so let us consider the following sentences:

  • You can reach the place via the little town.
  • Go to the Park via the bridge.

 The word via really means 'by', Just as we had done in the previous examples. If we use the word 'by' to replace the word 'via' in the same two given sentences, we will better understand the meaning of the word 'via':

  • You can reach the place by the little town.
  • Go to the Park by the bridge.

Now that the difference in the usage of the words through and via is somewhat understood, let us make the distinction, even more, clearer by also considering the following sentences:

  • I drove home via the Central Library.
  • I drove home through the Central Library.

Since via means by way of, and through means, 'to move in one side and out the other' the second sentence is incorrect.

You might still be asking WHY? or How is it possible?

Remember that, the meaning of the word through is only considered to be the most relevant when it describes a certain location. It usually only means 'moving into one side of, and then out of the other side of',what? Nothing but a location!

Bear in mind that the word through, generally, as a word that expresses the location of a thing beyond its opening or the obstacle. The Difference must be so OBVIOUS now! Remember that, on the other hand, the word via is a preposition that means traveling to a specified destination using a route that passes through a said location.

Again consider the following sentences as they will help to understand the differences between both terms even better:

A couple of example sentences using the word through:

  • We left Duler and drove through Mapusa.
  • You can get the silver coins if you reach through the gap in the wall.
  • You can see the River Danube through the gap in the mountains.

A few sentences using the word via:

  • We drove to Panaji via Mapusa.
  • We drove via Mapusa to Panaji.

Difference Between Through and Via in Tabular Form

Point of


Through Via
Meaning The word ‘through’ is often used to describe when something is going in from one end and coming out of another end. The word ‘via’ is commonly used when talking about going from one point to another by passing a certain point in between.
History The word ‘through’ is originally a German word The word ‘ via’ was originally a Latin word.
As Adverb The adverb ‘through’ means sending something from one end to another from the interior path. From one side to another. There is no meaning of the word ‘via’ as an adverb.
Examples The arrow went ‘through’ the air.   · Please complete the Payment ‘via’ the Gpay application.
Usage in daily life Some people believe the word ‘through’can be used as a common way of describing a scene or storytelling.  On the other hand, people use the    word ‘via’ in a professional way of talking.

What is through?

Let us go a little more in-depth to explain the actual meaning of the word through. From the above, we are now made aware that it means 'into', and 'in and out of'. We already did try to understand the subtle differences between both words by considering their appropriate usage in sentences.

To put things simply, the word 'through' is often used in those sentences where something is going in from one side or ending and coming out of another side. For example, The jet went through the clouds.

The word through is a preposition that is said to have originated from the Old English word 'Thurh' and also happens to have some Germanic Origin. It is also said to come from the dutch word 'Door' according to the online Dictionary Oxford Languages.

The word through is also often used with many different verbs, and when combined with them, sometimes it takes on different forms. Consider the following sentences to see the different ways in which the word through is being adapted:

  • The batsman ran through the opposite side.
  •  She went through the entire novel.
  • She could see through the problem.
  • She walked through with ease.

Some synonyms of through are between, past, down, and along. On the other hand, a few antonyms of through are unfinished, rough, and preserved.

What is via?

Let us go a little deeper to discover the meaning of the word Via. The word Via in Latin means 'road'. From the above information, we are aware that it means by. Instead try to avoid using 'via' instead of 'by means of'. That is a big no-no. If you observe carefully, you will find that the word 'via'is more often misused than it is properly used.

The word 'via' is commonly used to denote talking about a path that goes through. For example, an airplane route; when we say we want to fly to America via India.

Some appropriate synonyms for via are by-use-of, by-way-of, on the way to, and by-means-of.

A couple of good antonyms for via are: without the assistance of, without the help of, and without the aid of.

The Main Differences between Through and Via in Points

  • The most notable difference between the words through and via is, that while the word via is said to have originated from the Latin word 'road', whereas the word through is said to have German origins.
  • Some people think of the word 'through' as a common or informal way of telling stories or describing a scene. On the other hand, people usually use the word 'via' as a means of business communication and professionalism. For example, we tend to use the word via when describing airplane routes and booking flight tickets.
  • The word through has different meanings and functions as a preposition, a noun, and an adverb. However, the word via only has meaning as a preposition and as a noun.
  • A few examples of sentences using the word through the basket-ball went through the window. On the other hand, here is an example of a sentence using the word via: I will let her know via phone call.
  • A few Common synonyms of the word through are between, past, down, and along. On the other hand, common synonyms of the word via include by-use-of, by-way-of, on the way to, and by-means-of.
  • A couple of Antonyms of the word through are unfinished, rough, and preserved, while a few antonyms of the word via include devoid of, without the help of, without the aid of, and without the assistance of.


It is easy to tell why it seems so confusing and that the two words, namely through and via appear to be interchangeable. By now, it is also much easier to understand why this is so- and also about the concept behind the meaning of either of the two words and about the different ways both are used in sentences.

By now we can tell them apart, and we can tell that, indeed they are different. It is also better understood that while the word via (which is the Latin word for road) means 'by way of', the meaning of the word through, means 'into' and can also mean 'in and out of'.

It is also a common tendency for the word 'via' to be more often wrongfully used as compared to the word 'through'. Also, as mentioned above, the word through is said to be of Latin origin, whereas the word via is said to be of German origin. This is further proof that though some people imagine that both words are completely interchangeable, the reverse is really true.

We need to remember that both words have their separate meaning and function. While most Dictionaries, such as the Cambridge English Dictionary and the Dictionary of Oxford Languages (which are mentioned above) define both words somewhat similarly, we need to remember their basic meanings- you can refer to the above as a guide to help you remember these basic concepts if you like!

The meaning of both words has been analyzed thoroughly in the above write-up, and the links to the reference articles have also been provided. In any case, it is advisable to try not to carelessly use either of the two words in written or verbal communication as their meanings indeed differ.

It is indeed obvious by now that both words cannot be used in place of each other but do have their own separate function. Knowing the right usage of these or any other words in the English language is sure to make one look distinguished, and professional, and of course, they will look like they know what they are talking about!


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"Difference Between Through and Via." Diffzy.com, 2025. Tue. 11 Feb. 2025. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-through-and-via-1188>.

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