Difference Between Should Be and Must Be

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: April 30, 2023


Difference Between Should Be and Must Be

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The future tense is just as important/valuable as the other tenses in everyday conversation. It is used to denote some action that we or others will perform in the future (whether short-term or long-term) or any event or activity that will occur in the future. Grammar is associated with mistakes and accuracy. However, understanding tenses help us grasp what makes phrases and paragraphs clear, fascinating, and precise. When our students and we attentively study the sentences in poetry and stories, we may include grammar in our conversations. Knowing grammar entails discovering that all languages and dialects follow grammatical patterns. While it might be argued that high knowledge of using proper tenses would not make you a better communicator, it is widely acknowledged that it will help you write more effectively. Suitable tenses knowledge allows you as a writer to grasp what makes a work of literature practical to pique the reader's attention and comprehension.

The words must and should indicate the requirement. However, the use of these phrases in any sentence might change the meaning of the entire statement. "Must'' and "should" are modal verbs. The word "must be'' refers to any inevitable need or obligation. "Should be '' on the other hand, is employed as a possibility, duty, advice, suggestion, prospective, and great mood.

Grammar is crucial because it is the language that allows us to discourse about language. Grammar describes the many words and word combinations that comprise sentences in any language. Even as youngsters, we can all put sentences together—we can all perform grammar. Grammar is associated with faults and accuracy. However, understanding grammar helps us grasp what makes phrases and paragraphs clear, fascinating, and precise. When our students and we attentively study the sentences in poetry and stories, we may include grammar in our conversations. Knowing grammar entails discovering that all languages and dialects follow grammatical patterns.``The terms "should be " and "must be '' are featured throughout most speaking and writing as a part of grammar. The future tenses are only used in the Discussion section to discuss the following possible actions following the current investigation. You may learn more about the difference between these tenses here.

Should Be vs. Must Be

The critical distinction between should be and must be is that 'should be' is frequently used to convey sentiments about a possibility or a recommendation. 'Must be,' on the other hand, is employed to describe the feeling of a particular responsibility or duty towards a specific item. Should be' is a modal auxiliary that expresses the probability of something happening in the future. The phrase should be' refers to an unfavorable objective. Should be is exclusively used as a verb, and it derives from the ancient English word'sceolde.'

'Must be' is a modal auxiliary used to convey and state a responsibility to be performed or an inevitable requirement. The term must appear in almost three situations, each utterly distinct meaning. 'Must' is derived from the old English word 'Most.'  It teaches you to turn words into cohesive phrases and sentences into paragraphs that effectively express your message. The correct form is an integral part of grammar that should never be avoided. When used rightfully, it can clarify meaning, yet, when not utilized correctly. It should be remembered that, in a particular scenario or at a specific moment, one should employ a suitable tense to maintain efficient communication. As a result, several features in English verbs, such as state of being, continuing activity, or action accomplished, must be determined. To this, you must understand how to conjugate verbs correctly, concentrating on the structures of tenses and modal tenses to construct clear and compelling sentences.

Difference Between Should Be And Must Be in Tabular Form

Parameter Of Comparison Should Be Must Be
Definition This indicates a person's duty or responsibility in a sentence. In a statement, this also expresses the most significant thing to do in a particular scenario. In the sentence, this term expresses assurance or determination about something to be done in the present or future.
The level of equivalence The degree of similarity is relatively low when this term is employed in a sentence. The degree of resemblance is most significant when this term is employed in a sentence.


Functionality It is used to give guidance or comments. It is said to state that something is required to occur.


Derivation It came from the term "scolded." It came from the word "moste."


Nature Typically used in casual discussion.  It is commonly used in professional or legal communication.
Examples The airplane should be landing any minute.

You should be there to cheer her on.

Rajat should be wearing that hat.

I should be joining the gym in March.

He must be happy instead of being sad all the time.

Ram must be supportive rather than crying.

The fact that the fan is making too much noise is that it must be broken.

He must be taking that call.

What Is Should Be?

The word should be typically used to specify specific tasks and expectations for a person. 'Should be' is also used when something must be done solely in that context, such as criticizing someone's actions. 'Should be' is the past tense of shall be, used in the future. 'Should be' is frequently used to offer a word of wisdom or a suggestion or discuss something widely thought to be correct or incorrect within specific bounds. We frequently use "should be" to describe duties, obligations, and if something is right. It may also be used to accomplish something in a given scenario, such as assessing someone's activity.

There are some important ways the term should be employed in a phrase.

  • It is challenging to choose which option is the best when anything happens.
  • If there is a probability that something will happen.
  • To provide individual advice or to request specific guidance.
  • To provide and request a specific explanation for anything that has occurred.

1. To tell or seek the best option in a particular set of circumstances:

  • For example, what should I do for a living?
  • It would help if you were held accountable for your actions.

2. If there is a likelihood of anything happening:

  • She should be at work.
  • This job should be completed by tomorrow morning.

3. To provide or ask for reasons:

  • Why should I talk about anything with folks who don't seem to care?
  • Why should he be granted these benefits?

4. To provide advice:

  • It would help if you were visiting a major city.
  • He should be eating something.

Some examples of how to use 'should be in a sentence are given below to help you understand it better:

  • She should be at college today because it is not a holiday.
  • She should be going to bed at a reasonable hour because she has an early morning tomorrow.
  • They should be probably dropping her off at home because it's already too late. I'm hoping to make it to work on time today because the trains are running late.

What is Must Be?

Modal auxiliary verbs, or simply modals, are the terms "should" and "must." They explain the function of the primary verb that comes after it. Both "should" and "must" have similar meanings, but "must" is a considerably harsher word than "should." Must is a proper verb. It can be used in phrases to express duty or coercion. The term "must" refers to something vital or required in a particular context. The word "must" underlines the need or significance of something. The phrase "must be" was first used to convey a duty to accomplish something. This term indicates that something is required and must occur without a doubt. In a sentence, the term must be used as a supporting verb. This term underlines the importance of a particular event occurring in a phrase by expressing it. When someone says that, he indicates an urge for something to happen that cannot be ignored.

There are precise ways to use the term in a statement.

  • When an individual wants to demonstrate a forceful stance.
  • When a person asserts or states a restriction about something.
  • When a person wants to provide specific criticism or reviews about anything, it is used in exclamatory statements.
  • When a person wants to highlight forcefully that something must occur.

The following phrases demonstrate how to use must:

1. To supply anything that is required:

  • We must be living our lives fearlessly.
  • During tests, pupils must carry their ID cards on them.

2. To convey a decisive action:

  • He must be his brother-in-law.
  • It must be her final try.

3. To state a prohibition:

  • Anyone must not leave their automobiles alone in public places.
  • It must be best not to be permitted to talk loudly in class.

4. To make a comment, critique, or offer input on something:

  • We must be putting in a lot of effort to pass this exam.

5. Using exclamation marks:

You must be kidding!

6. To stress a point:

  • I have to tell you that you must be a wonderful person.

Some other example of improving knowledge by using "must be" is as follows appropriately:

  • This must be incredible!
  • You must be joking.
  • It's getting late, so I must be on my way.
  • This meal must be accompanied by ice cream.
  • After dropping them off, the driver must park the vehicle.

Main Differences Between Should Be And Must Be in Points

  1. The word should be' denotes the prospect about something occurring, whereas the word must be' signifies surety.
  2. The phrase should be' implies that something is possible, but the expression must be' means something must transpire.
  3. 'Should be' is used to convey advice. 'Must be,' on the other hand, suggests a necessity of something.
  4. The phrase should be' is typically used in casual discourse, but the' must be' is used in legal and official contexts.
  5. 'Should be' has a lower level of emphasis, whereas' must be' has the maximum intensity.
  6. Some synonyms for "should" are: ought, permit, experience, left, become, endure, maintain, allow, etc. Likewise, the following words are synonyms for "must": circumstance, need, obligation, requirement, required, responsibility, etc.
  7. The fundamental distinction between the terms "should" and "must" is that "must" is a better expression, as previously stated. Therefore, the likelihood of "must" is substantially higher than "should."
  8. The past participle of "shall'' is "should." "Should" is used to express suggestions, but "must" does not have a specific past participle.


The words should be' and must be' are both used to express assurance about something. The only variation is that the degree of emphasis should be' is more minor, but it must be,' the power is more significant and is asserted firmly. 'Should be' indicates that something is possible, whereas' must be' means a responsibility or obligation. These terms are modal verbs and supporting verbs that can be used in a sentence. Both 'Should be' and 'must be' are employed in phrases with various features and tasks to be completed, giving a statement two alternative meanings. They indicate the need for something, but if they are substituted for one another, the entire meaning of a phrase may alter.

Since the beginning of school, we have been reading and practicing the usage of tenses. Tenses are the most significant aspect of the English language. If you want to compose a perfect phrase or communicate anything to someone, you must convey your thoughts in the correct tense. The tenses in English represent three major temporal divisions: Past, Present, and Future. Each tense is split to indicate different features within the context of its general period. Tenses are the foundation of the English language. The tense that best expresses the notion should be utilized; otherwise, the statement/question will communicate the opposite of what you intended to say or write. The use of the correct tense implies using the proper verb form with the appropriate auxiliary. Therefore, it is critical to put the rules into practice as you learn them. Consider several circumstances and write as many sentences as you can for each tense. Pay close attention to the exclusions.


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"Difference Between Should Be and Must Be." Diffzy.com, 2024. Sat. 20 Apr. 2024. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-should-be-and-must-be-235>.

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