Difference Between Love and Like

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: April 30, 2023


Difference Between Love and Like

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The line between love and like can be blurry at times, particularly if you’reamidf infatuated. However, there are several ways to tell the difference between the two. Understanding how to tell the difference between love and like will help you save yourself heartache in the future—and will also improve your relationships with your friends and family members by helping you understand what they mean when they say, I love you or I like you.

Many times, it’s hard to tell whether or not you like someone or love them. This can be a confusing situation and lead to problems when your intentions aren’t clear. As much as we want to love everyone, it just isn’t possible to care for everyone like family, but we might still have feelings for them that could be confused with true love feelings. The easiest way to recognize what is real versus what isn’t is by identifying where each emotion stems from. There are seven distinct differences between these two emotions that will help you sort out what you feel for someone else and realize if your feelings are genuine or not. Here are some tips on how to tell if you like someone or love them.

Like - To like someone means that you enjoy their company and consider them an enjoyable person in your life. You don’t necessarily see yourself falling in love with someone, though there’s always the potential for those types of feelings down the road. Some people use like to describe positive feelings toward friends or even strangers they get along well with, while others use it as more of a casual phrase that doesn't convey romantic interests at all.

Love - To love someone means you strongly value their presence in your life and consider yourself lucky to have such a wonderful person standing beside you through life events—good and bad.

Love vs Like

Love and like are two words that can easily be confused and missed because they sound very similar to each other, but mean different things and refer to different types of feelings. Love is a deep, emotional feeling of affection for someone or something that’s felt like a profound attachment. A feeling of intense attraction for another person is called love at first sight; romantic love encompasses feelings of both attraction and intimacy; platonic love refers to affection without sexual desire between friends or family members; filial love refers to affection felt by children toward their parents; while fraternal love refers to feelings toward siblings, blood relatives, or others who aren't related by blood (but might as well be). Here are some examples which will help you better understand how these words are used in everyday speech. The love of her life was her husband, whom she loved dearly until his death last year. She hasn’t dated anyone since then because she doesn’t feel ready to fall in love again just yet. He was in love with his wife when he married her, but now he just likes her a lot—they have an amicable relationship based on mutual respect and shared interests. His brother has always been there for him whenever he needed support—he loves him more than anyone else in his life! Her daughter is truly her best friend—she loves spending time with her every day after work! My mother loves me, so I try to do everything I can to make her proud of me. When it comes down to it, my dad only likes me—I wish he would show me more love! My sister and I don’t always get along but we still love each other unconditionally—we wouldn’t trade our sibling bond for anything in the world. People say all kinds of things about my ex-boyfriend behind his back because they think I still like him—I don’t even remember why we broke up in the first place anymore!

Difference Between Love and Like in Tabular Form

Basic Love Like
Define Love is a strong affection for another person or thing; a sense of attachment to or deep devotion in an interpersonal relationship that reflects compassionate and generous concern for another’s welfare Like is a close-to-home fascination that anybody feels for someone else, item, or belief system.
Types  Companionate love, infatuated love, consummate love, unrequited love, courtly love, empty love, and self-love.            Visual likes, logical likes, and emotional likes.
With time            Love grows stronger            Likes dissolve away
Value Unconditional form of emotion Conditional form of emotion
Separation Cause deep trauma and depression Cause sadness
Trust Will trust easily as they are connected Will not trust as have an issue like cheating  
Control Two people in love will never try to control each other Always try to control their life

What is Love?

Love is a strong affection for another person or thing; a sense of attachment to or deep devotion in an interpersonal relationship that reflects compassionate and generous concern for another’s welfare. Love can be passionate, full of desire and intrigue, unconditional, selfless, and all-consuming, or easy-going, tolerant, and comforting. There are many types of love—love for parents and family members, love for children and pets; romantic love (sexually), love between friends/acquaintances; even platonic love between partners who aren't romantically interested in each other but do enjoy each other's company (e.g., some married couples).

Any situation where you care deeply about someone else is fertile ground for developing loving feelings towards them. There are so many different types of love because there are so many different ways people connect. You might have a hard time understanding how anyone could not feel loved by their partner when they're feeling something much different than love—like infatuation or obsession. And while it's natural to want your partner to feel these same emotions as you do, it's important to recognize that they don't necessarily mean they feel in love with you too. The trick is distinguishing what type of emotion your partner is experiencing at any given moment: Is it passion? Is it obsession? Or could it just be simple?

Qualities of Love

One of the most common questions I get from readers is, How do I know if I'm in love? or, more to-the the point do I know when it's love? At some point in every person’s life, a question like that will likely enter their mind; it does for all of us at one time or another. Some people want to know if they are in love because they can’t get someone off their mind or because they can’t sleep at night (lots of tossing and turning) without thinking about how much they care for that special someone. Whatever your reason may be for wanting to pinpoint whether you are truly in love with someone, we have your answer right here! Let’s take a look at three ways to tell if you're in love. You feel butterflies in your stomach whenever you think about him/her. It's no secret that when you first fall in love with someone, he/she will always be on your mind, even if just for a few minutes throughout each day. If he/she is constantly on your mind then there's a good chance that it could mean you're actually in love! That being said, there are times when feelings of intense excitement or nervousness are brought on by something else entirely—like fear of rejection—so just make sure these feelings go away after a while before concluding anything based on them alone. You'll find out soon enough whether those feelings last forever...or not so much!

For example, when researchers injected oxytocin into newlywed couples, they reported increased affection for their partners compared to those given a placebo (though it didn’t increase attraction). Couples that had been married for several years showed no difference between oxytocin and placebo groups.

What is Like?

Love is an intense feeling of deep affection, whereas like is a less intense feeling of respect and friendship. Liking someone doesn't necessarily mean you have romantic feelings for them or will ever act on them in any way. It means that you see someone as a friend or someone you trust, who has your back when times are tough. And if there’s not enough interest between two people to be friends, then there’s just not enough interest to be anything more than friends – no matter how much one person may like another person. When it comes down to it, love is deeper than like. If you love someone, it’s because they make you feel good about yourself. When we truly love someone, we want what’s best for them even if that means we don’t get to spend time with them anymore. We care about their well-being above our desires and needs. In contrast, liking someone isn't always synonymous with loving them – sometimes we like people but don't care about their well-being at all! So while liking someone can lead to loving them over time (and vice versa), these two things aren't always linked together.

Qualities of Like

Love is both deep emotion and virtue in a romantic relationship with another person, It is a human emotion of intense affection. It generally refers to interpersonal love although it can also be used to describe compassionate and affectionate concern for other humans, one's self, or animals. Love may also describe actions towards other people (such as serving their needs or putting them before one's own), one’s pet (such as feeding it food), or one’s self (such as committing suicide). Love has other distinct but related meanings in different contexts around the world that are summarized below The word love can have a variety of related but distinct meanings in different contexts. Often, other languages use multiple words to express some of the different concepts that English relies mainly on love to encapsulate; one example is the plurality of Greek words for love. Cultural differences in conceptualizing love thus make it doubly difficult to establish any universal definition. Even among cultures that define love in similar ways, there are differences in how they view its relative importance within relationships; for example, some cultures see maternal love as more important than romantic love.

The Main Difference Between Love and Like in Points

  • To love someone is to want what’s best for them and to be committed to their happiness above your own; it’s a constant wanting to change them into who you think they should be, rather than accepting them as they are.
  • It’s demanding that they give up who they are and become something different, which can leave them feeling suffocated rather than loved.
  • When you like someone, however, you accept their differences as strengths—it means that you respect who they are and choose to surround yourself with people like that because it makes you feel good about yourself in comparison.
  • Love puts conditions on being accepted; liking simply accepts a person for who tuns conditions
  • Love is more powerful than like. Love affects not only your physical well-being but also your mental and emotional states as well, including pain relief and deeper, richer memories.
  • Falling can make you forget less of your experiences than someone who likes something. In one study, participants were shown pictures of both positive and negative over six months.
  • Those who were in love remembered significantly more details about their partner’s appearance compared to those who simply liked them. Those in love also had higher levels of oxytocin, which is associated with feelings of attachment and trust.
  • This chemical reaction may be responsible for why people fall so hard for those they’re infatuated it’s part of what makes breakups so difficult.
  • Like doesn’t have quite as much power on our bodies and minds.
  • It doesn’t produce any notable increases in dopamine or oxytocin, meaning there isn’t an intense rush of chemicals flooding our brains every time we think about or interact with something we like.
  • That said, liking something doesn't mean we don't care deeply about it—we just don't have an immediate physiological response to things we like.
  • The best way to explain how I feel is by using my own experience: I enjoy watching movies where I know exactly what will happen next because I’ve movies ta take me movies that take me by surprise and make me want to watch them again because I loved how unexpected everything was!


Today, many people can’t tell if they are in love or like someone else. While it is an important distinction to make, keep in mind that both emotions are extremely positive and create wonderful experiences and opportunities for personal growth. If you’re wondering how you know if you’re really in love, ask yourself these questions: Do I feel a deep affection toward my partner that grows every day? Am I proud to be with him/her, wherever we go? Are my feelings reciprocated by my partner? (And am I okay if they aren't?) If so, then congratulations—you might just be in love!


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"Difference Between Love and Like." Diffzy.com, 2024. Wed. 17 Apr. 2024. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-love-and-like-373>.

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