Difference Between Subsistence and Commercial Farming

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: July 03, 2023


Difference Between Subsistence and Commercial Farming

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Agriculture is a widely practiced occupation all over the world, which means that there are many individuals who make a living by raising crops, vegetables, fruits, flowers, and cattle. Subsistence farming and commercial farming are the two basic classifications of farming based on geographical factors, level of technology, demand for products, and labor requirements.

Subsistence Farming vs Commercial Farming

Subsistence farming involves the farmer in the cultivation of crops for local consumption. As the name implies, commercial farming is a farming method in which the farmer and other laborers are involved in the production of crops for commercial purposes.

Difference Between Subsistence Farming vs Commercial Farming in Tabular Form

Parameters of Comparison Subsistence Farming Commercial Farming
DefinitionSubsistence farming is a farming practice in which crops are grown for personal use.Commercial farming refers to the farming practice of growing crops for trade.
NatureLabour intensiveCapital intensive
AreaIt is only done in a small area.It is practiced over a wide area.
Productivity It is improved by the use of manures.It is boosted by increased doses of modern inputs.
Crops grownGrain products, fruits, and vegetablesCereals and cash crops
Method of irrigationIt is determined by the monsoon.It employs sophisticated watering techniques.
CultivationTraditional techniques are employed.Machines are employed.

What is Subsistence Farming?

Subsistence farming is a type of agriculture in which crop cultivation and animal rearing are undertaken to meet the needs of the farmer and his family. Prior to industrialization, many people relied on subsistence farming to meet their necessities.

There is less use of contemporary agricultural techniques and procedures in this farming, the holding size is small, and manual laborers, who may be family members of the farmers, assist in crop production. With little to no surplus trade, the output produced is mostly consumed for local consumption. If there is any surplus, it is sold in nearby markets. Cropping decisions are made depending on the family's future needs and the market price.

Subsistence agriculture is a type of agriculture that has been performed for thousands of years by people all over the world but is now only practiced in a few areas. People in this type of agriculture plant a variety of crops to feed their families rather than to sell at marketplaces. The majority of crops gathered are consumed within the family, with only a tiny percentage available for commerce. When a producer performs subsistence farming, he or she must raise a wide range of crops or livestock that have adapted well to the local environment.

Subsistence farmers grow a range of crops based on the region's agricultural conditions. Tropical and subtropical crops such as manioc, yams, millets, rice, vegetables, sweet potatoes, cassava, peas, groundnuts, and cotton are grown in tropical and subtropical nations to meet the needs of their families. Temperate zones produce barley, corn, wheat, sugar beet, potatoes, and vegetables.

Characteristics of Subsistence Farming

The following characteristics define subsistence agriculture:

  • It is practiced on tiny farmland without the use of heavy machinery.
  • The majority of agriculture is done by hand, using primitive tools and rudimentary agricultural implements.
  • Crop production is insufficient to suit the needs of the farmers and their families.
  • In this farming, there are no surpluses to sell in the market.
  • The traditional farming approach is maintained. Hand tools are mostly used, however, animal power is sometimes used as well.
  • The agricultural returns are quite poor, while the investment in manual labor is very significant.
  • There are few large fields and valleys in mountain terrains. As a result, farming is characterized by tiny farms.
  • Subsistence farming is also distinguished by a high population density on agricultural land.
  • Another feature is reliance on nature. The supply of rainfall is primarily determined by nature.

Advantages of Subsistence Farming

  • Market forces have little influence on crop production patterns.
  • Farmers produce crops solely for their consumption, resulting in food security.
  • Farmers work hard to keep the soil fertile.
  • Traditional knowledge preservation
  • Environmental longevity
  • Financial risk is minimal.
  • Contribution to the local economy
  • Resilience

Disadvantages of Subsistence Farming

  • Productivity is low.
  • Access to inputs and markets is restricted.
  • Exposure to climate and environmental shocks
  • Low earnings
  • Diversification opportunities are limited.
  • Deforestation and land degradation

What is Commercial Farming?

Commercial farming, often known as agribusiness, is a farming practice in which crops and cattle are cultivated to sell the produce in the market to make money.

A considerable amount of capital is invested in this style of agriculture, and crops are cultivated on a vast scale in massive farms using modern technology, equipment, irrigation methods, and chemical fertilizers. The fundamental aspect of commercial farming is the use of high dosages of contemporary inputs for increased production, such as high-yielding variety seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, weedicides, and so on.

Commercial farming primarily produces crops that are in high demand, i.e. crops that will be exported to other nations or utilized as raw material in industries. Furthermore, the extent to which farming is commercialized varies by region.

Commercial agriculture mostly provides crops in great demand. Crops must be exported to other nations or used as industrial raw materials. Furthermore, the scope of agricultural marketing differs by region.

Types of Commercial Farming

  • Dairy Farming - Dairy farming entails rearing mother animals and collecting the milk they give after giving birth. Other animals are bred for milk in addition to cows, which are the most frequently farmed animal in the dairy industry. Cattle generate 81% of milk, buffalo 15%, goats 2%, sheep 1%, and camels 0.5 percent, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • Commercial grain farming - Commercial grain farming, usually referred to as extensive agriculture, entails growing grains including wheat, rice, oats, and maize with the intention of selling them on the market.
  • Plantation Farming - Plantation farming is the practice of removing a big tract of forest land and mass planting preferred crops on the cleared ground. This method of farming increases the production of desired produce and makes cultivation easier to control.
  • Livestock Ranching - Livestock Ranching or livestock farming is an essential component of Indian agriculture, providing a living for over 55% of the rural population. India is the world's largest livestock owner. At present rates, the cattle sector alone contributes about 25.6% of the entire value of output in agriculture, fishery, and forestry. According to the 19th livestock census of 2012, the livestock sector contributed roughly 4.11% of total GDP at current prices during 2012-13. The goal of animal husbandry is to make animals useful to humans for a variety of reasons, many of which have monetary value. As a result, it has a high potential for non-farm employment and revenue generation in rural areas.
  • Mediterranean Agriculture - Mediterranean agriculture is a four-part strategic complex: i) Rainfed annual crops that rely on winter rain. - ii) Perennial crops, tree crops that survive the dry summer. - iii) Transhumance in order to avoid the dry summer. - iv) Irrigation to make up for the absence of (summer) precipitation.
  • Mixed Crop Farming - Despite a trend in agribusiness, research, and education toward specialized forms of farming, mixed farming is popular around the world. Mixing has benefits and drawbacks. Farmers in mixed systems, for example, must divide their attention and resources across numerous tasks, resulting in diminished economies of scale. Advantages include the ability to reduce risk, spread labor, and reuse resources. The value of these benefits and drawbacks varies according to the farmers' sociocultural choices as well as the biophysical conditions as dictated by rainfall, radiation, soil type, and disease pressure.
  • Commercial Gardening and Fruit Farming - Commercial farming is the process of cultivating and rearing crops and animals for profit. It is the large-scale production of crops and animals primarily for export. Farmers practice commercial agriculture in order to generate successful economic growth. To better define commercial farming, we can state that it is a modern agricultural method that is primarily used to improve a nation's economic rate.  Commercial agriculture is most visible in developed locations with low population density and abundant arable land. To attain increased production, commercial agriculture requires a vast number of farming fields, high-yielding seeds, chemical fertilizers, and contemporary farming tools. Sugar cane, coffee, tea, cashew, cotton, and rubber are a few examples.

Advantages of Commercial Farming

Increase the Production

Farmers can boost crop productivity by practicing commercial farming. As we all know, farmers in this industry require a huge number of agricultural fields as well as contemporary farming technology. As a result, the output will be higher than using traditional agricultural methods.

Proper Utilization Of Machinery And Electricity

This farming approach makes good use of electricity and sophisticated machinery to boost the power supply in the area where it is practiced. People who live in areas where power is supplied take advantage of these advantages.

Easily Accessible To Everyone

All agricultural items and goods are simply and rapidly accessible to everyone for the improvement of crop production. It also aids in meeting all demands for emergency supplies.

Create Vacancies

The location where commercial farming is practiced creates a lot of job opportunities for the inhabitants. Local employees contribute their labor to ensure the best crop output. Instead, they make good money and can provide a good living for their family members. As a result, it also boosts local economic growth.

Lowering The Cost Of Production

The commercial cultivation method reduces the entire production budget. Because there are a lot of laborers accessible in India that can help with agricultural production. The important element is that you can easily get enough workers for this crop at a minimal cost.

The Main Source Of Raw Production

In addition to earning foreign currency, it aids in the collection of raw materials. As an example, suppose a farmer grows raw fruits like mango and pineapple for commercial purposes and sells them to confectionary industries to make juice or other drinks. 

Main Difference Between Subsistence Farming and Commercial Farming in Points

The following premises can be used to explain the distinction between subsistence and commercial farming:

  • Subsistence farming is a farming technique that tries to raise enough crops to meet all or almost all of the needs of the farmer and his family, with little or no extra produce for marketing. Commercial farming is a farming system in which crops and cattle are raised with the purpose of selling the produce on the market.
  • Subsistence farming is a labor-intensive practice due to the significant labor inputs required. On the contrary, large capital investments are required in commercial farming, which is why it is a capital-intensive practice.
  • Subsistence farming is limited to a tiny region. Commercial farming, on the other hand, necessitates a huge plot of land.
  • In subsistence farming, manure is put into the soil to boost yield. In contrast, heavy quantities of contemporary inputs, such as high-yielding variety seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, and so on, can boost crop production in commercial farming.
  • Food grains such as wheat and rice, as well as fruits and vegetables, are farmed in subsistence farming. Commercial farming, on the other hand, focuses on cash crops and cereals.
  • While subsistence farming is heavily reliant on the monsoon and simple irrigation systems, commercial farming relies on sophisticated irrigation methods such as surface irrigation, drip irrigation, sprinklers, and so on.
  • Traditional methods of cultivation are employed in subsistence farming, whereas machinery is used in commercial farming to cultivate the soil.

Agriculture is a major source of income for many people and contributes to the country's gross domestic product (GDP) in most countries. Indeed, the greater a country's agricultural growth, the greater its trade and industry will expand.

The two sorts of farming practices are subsistence farming and commercial farming. Subsistence agriculture is practiced by farmers to ensure the survival of themselves and those who rely on them. Commercial agriculture, on the other hand, is simply an agricultural company in which crops are farmed for trading purposes.


  • https://www.tractorjunction.com/blog/what-is-commercial-farming/
  • https://www.drishtiias.com/to-the-points/paper3/animal-rearing
  • https://tidsskrift.dk/geografisktidsskrift/article/view/42446/49355#:~:text=Mediterranean%20agriculture%20is%20a%20strategic,the%20lacking%20(summer)%20precipitation
  • https://www.fao.org/3/y0501e/y0501e03.htm


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"Difference Between Subsistence and Commercial Farming." Diffzy.com, 2024. Wed. 24 Apr. 2024. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-subsistence-and-commercial-farming>.

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