Difference Between Menarche and Menopause

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: April 30, 2023


Difference Between Menarche and Menopause

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During the process of puberty, a child's body transforms into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction. The process starts when the brain sends hormonal signals to the gonads—in the case of a male, the testicles; in the case of a girl, the ovaries. In response to the signals, the gonads produce hormones that stimulate desire and support the growth, function, and metamorphosis of the brain, bones, muscles, blood, skin, hair, breasts, and sex organs. Height and weight gain pick up speed during the first half of adolescence and are finished after the body has fully matured into an adult one. Boys and girls can be distinguished from one another sexually before puberty based on their basic sexual traits, or outward sex organs. Through the growth of secondary sex traits, which further separate the sexes, puberty causes sexual dimorphism.

Males normally begin puberty at age 10 or 11, whereas females typically begin at age 11 or 12, and continue through puberty until age 16 or 17. The main sign of puberty in females is menarche or the start of menstruation. The normal age range is between 12 and 13. At age 13, males frequently have their first ejaculation or spermarche. The average age at which children, particularly girls, reach puberty in the 21st century is lower than in the 19th century, when it was 15 for females and 17 for men (with age at first periods for girls and voices break and growth spurt for boys being used as the age at onset). This could be caused by a variety of things, such as better nutrition that hastened bodily growth, more weight and fat deposition, or exposure to endocrine disruptors like xenoestrogens, which can occasionally be brought on by food consumption or other environmental causes. Precocious puberty and delayed puberty are terms used to describe periods of early puberty and later puberty, respectively.

Girls often experience puberty between the ages of 8 and 13, which lasts for several years. Your body develops and matures throughout this time. Your body is prepared for childbirth by going through puberty. Hormones, which are organic components of your body, are what trigger the alterations. You will start to notice changes as puberty progresses, both mentally and physically. You could occasionally feel as though too much is changing. Though highly common, puberty can also be a fun time, so it's crucial to maintain a good outlook. Puberty may begin before the age of eight if you are overweight, and it may begin later if you are particularly athletic or underweight. Everyone is different, and you will start going through puberty at the right moment for your body—which may be different from other girls in your family—so it's important to remember that. However, if you haven't started to develop breasts by the age of 12 or if your first period hasn't started by the age of 15, you should see a doctor. Make an appointment if you feel more comfortable seeing a female physician.

Changes during Puberty


You could start to feel physically bloated or have a bigger appetite in the days leading up to your period. Additionally, you can feel exhausted, queasy, and have stiff or aching joints. You can have mental feelings of loneliness, anxiety, or depression. The physical and mental symptoms you could have before your menstruation are referred to as premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Skin Alterations

Your body creates various amounts of hormones that influence the glands that regulate the oil on your skin during puberty. Acne is caused by overactive skin glands, and as you go through puberty, you could discover that your breakouts worsen.

Physical Growth

Your hands and feet will start to develop during puberty, which could be one of the first changes you go through. You can have some unsteadiness up until the rest of your body catches up. You'll y hit the peak of your growth two years after puberty starts for you. After your first growth spurt is over, you may only add another 5 to 7.5 cm to your height. During your growth spurt, you may also put on weight, particularly in your breasts and the rounded areas around your hips.

Difference between Menarche and Menopause in Tabular Form

Parameters of Comparison



Menstrual CycleIn females, the menstrual cycle begins at the menarche.Menopause is the last stage of the female menstrual cycle.
BeginningMenarche often begins between the ages of 11 and 16 years.Menopause often happens between the ages of 45 and 50.
Bone MassThe bone mass increases during the menstrual cycle.The bone mass begins to deteriorate with advancing age and considerable hormonal changes throughout the menopause period.
Reproductive CycleIt denotes the start of the female reproductive cycle.It denotes the conclusion of the female reproductive cycle.
SymptomsThe typical symptoms of menarche include acne, irritability, and mood changes (onset of the menstrual cycle).The typical symptoms of menopause include weight gain, insomnia, dry skin, anxiety, decreased bone density, mood swings, and hair loss.

What is Menarche?

Menarche, often known as a woman's first period, is the medical name for a woman's first menstrual cycle. The monthly loss of the uterine wall is known as menstruation. The majority of women can recall the specifics of what happened and how they felt at the time. Because it signifies the physical transition from youth to adulthood, this phase of development frequently affects girls. For others, it may be thrilling or frightening. A woman's menarche is an indication that her body is ready to conceive. Adolescence may be difficult for anyone since it is a time of physical and mental change. Girls who menstruate before or after their peers may feel out of the ordinary. Because every woman develops differently, it is usual for females to experience light or irregular periods for the first several years following menarche. By talking to an older woman, they can trust, such as a parent or aunt, girls can learn more about the impending changes and feel better about their bodies.

At menarche, a common physiological event that occurs on a regular monthly basis, menstruation begins. Menarche usually occurs at the age of twelve, though it can occur a few years before or later. Menarche occurs during puberty, a stage of adolescent physical and sexual development. A young girl will typically go through menarche and then go several months without getting her period. This is because it can take some time for the hormone cascade that controls ovulation and regular menstruation to mature.

Menarche begins in a somewhat typical way. Menarche typically happens between two and three years after the first appearance of breast buds. Girls may begin to experience skin breakout issues during the period between the development of their breasts and menarche. Girls may also get moodier and begin to contradict their parents during this period. A girl usually has a growth surge just before menarche. Along with the other physical changes that take place in a girl's body throughout puberty, menarche is a typical stage of development in girls. Menarche must occur at the proper time. The most likely reason is precocious puberty, a condition when a young girl gets her first period before the age of eight. This is unusual and needs more medical attention. A girl may be having issues if she does not begin menstruating by the age of 16, even though her pubic hair and breast development appear to be normal. Primary amenorrhea, often known as delayed menarche, is the medical term for this. The most likely reason is precocious puberty, a condition when a young girl gets her first period before the age of eight. This is unusual and needs more medical attention.

Most likely, ongoing hormonal interference with the hormonal cascade required for menstruation to occur is the root reason for this delay in menarche. Ballet dancers and other exceptionally athletic teen females as well as girls with eating problems, particularly anorexia nervosa, can exhibit this behaviour. Rarely, a female may be born without a uterus, a disease known as Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauer Syndrome. The commencement of menarche signifies the start of a woman's reproductive years. A girl experiences her first ovulation right before her first period. The first menstruation or menarche is brought on by that first ovulation. A girl can become pregnant after she ovulates. Girls must understand that being pregnant could happen if they have intercourse before their first period. Menarche is a typical occurrence. It is the beginning of a woman's reproductive years. It often heralds the start of regular monthly periods in women, which will continue until menopause, which typically occurs around age 52.

What is Menopause?

A woman starts going through pause twelve months after her last period. Women may begin to experience changes in their monthly cycles, hot flushes, or other symptoms during the perimenopause years, often known as the premenopausal years. Usually, the menopausal transition starts between the ages of 45 and 55. It typically lasts seven years but can last up to fourteen years. Based on a range of lifestyle variables, including smoking, starting age, race, and ethnicity, the duration varies. During perimenopause, the body produces progesterone and oestrogen at different levels, the two hormones produced by the ovaries. Each woman is affected by the menopausal transition differently and in different ways. Women may put on weight more quickly due to changes in fat cells and how the body uses energy. Your body's structure and composition, physical function, or bone or heart health could all alter.

Your menstrual cycles come to a stop during a pause. Once you've gone 12 months without a period, it's diagnosed. Although menopause can occur in your 40s or 50s, the average age in the US is 51. A normal biological process is a menopause. However, menopause's physical and mental symptoms, such as hot flashes, can cause sleep disturbances, low energy levels, and emotional health issues. There are numerous efficient therapies available, ranging from hormone therapy to lifestyle changes.

If you have menopausal-related symptoms, your doctor may ask you about your age, your symptoms, and your family history to determine whether the menopausal transition is the cause of your problems. Your doctor may occasionally suggest a blood test to evaluate your follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and oestradiol (E2) levels to rule out any further causes for the changes you're seeing. Although the menopausal transition is sometimes referred to as "going through the menopause," true menopause doesn't start until a year after a woman has last had a period. As a result, a woman who wants to prevent pregnancy needs to utilise birth control for at least a full year after her last period.

Technically, menopause refers to the cessation of menstruation; however, the slow process through which this happens, known as the climacteric, normally lasts a year but may last as little as six months or as long as five years. Perimenopause, which refers to the very early symptoms that precede menopause, often starts in the late 30s. Menopause has mostly replaced climacteric usage. Menopause which happens naturally or physiologically is brought on by a woman's regular ageing process. However, surgical methods like hysterectomy can be used to induce menopause (when this procedure includes oophorectomy, removal of the ovaries). Menopause typically begins at age 50.5, although some women experience it earlier, particularly if they have experienced chemotherapy for cancer or another serious illness. One per cent of women experience premature menopause, which is defined as menopause that starts before the age of 40. Thyroid problems, diabetes mellitus, and autoimmune disorders are additional causes of early menopause. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels can be used to diagnose premature menopause because they will be higher if menopause has already taken place. Both fraternal and identical twins have been reported to have significantly greater rates of premature menopause; about 5% of twins experience it before the age of 40. The exact reasons for this are unknown. Transplanting ovarian tissue between identical twins has been successful in restoring fertility.

Postmenopausal women, particularly Caucasian women with European ancestry, are more likely to develop osteoporosis. The sudden change in female sex hormone levels that occurs is one risk factor: Changes to these hormones, which are essential for the development of the female skeleton, hasten the loss of bone mass.

Main Difference between Menarche and Menopause In Points

  • Menarche and menopause cause several physical changes in women's bodies. Teenagers are more likely to have mood changes, menstrual cramps, irritability, acne, and other problems during menarche. Age-related menopause can cause mood swings, dry skin, weight gain, insomnia, anxiety, and hair loss in older women.
  • The amount of minerals in a given volume of bone depends on the bone mass. It increases after menarche and decreases throughout menopause as a result of significant hormonal changes.
  • When a girl reaches puberty, which occurs between the ages of 11 and 15, menarche occurs. Menopause begins to occur when a woman stops ovulating between the ages of 45 and 50.
  • The amount of oestrogen a woman has during her period has a big effect on how she looks. It starts to rise during menarche. Throughout menopause, it progressively declines before starting to fall further. This is one of the causes of elderly women's decreasing bone density.
  • The process of reproduction includes menstruation. At menarche, women start ovulating, which allows them to procreate or get pregnant. Women stop ovulating after they reach menopause, rendering them infertile.


A woman's age at menarche (first period) and menopause determine the start and end of her reproductive years. The timing of these milestones is significant for a woman's health trajectory throughout her life since they are indicators of ovarian function and age. The likelihood of adverse physical and psychosocial effects is correlated with the timing of any occurrence, whether it be early or late. Therefore, the search for a connection between menarche age and menopause is important for both the general public's health and the avoidance of chronic disorders.

In conclusion, to fully understand the constellation of elements relating to ages at menarche and menopause, a technique that is generated by birth cohort-dependent life-course pathways connected to SES and other environmental exposures interacting with a woman's biology is required.



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"Difference Between Menarche and Menopause." Diffzy.com, 2024. Tue. 09 Apr. 2024. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-menarche-and-menopause-801>.

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