Difference Between Zygote and Gamete

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: September 15, 2023


Difference Between Zygote and Gamete

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Development of foetus takes place with unfolding in the shape of a succession of necessary phases. For each stage, several conformational changes occur in order to keep the foetus in the proper position at the appropriate time. Gametes and zygotes are generated during the beginning phases and play an integral role in selecting the ovum's eventual gender. The sequence of events stays the same – zygote following fusing of the two gametes (X or Y).

Zygote vs. Gamete

The zygotic genome is the assembly of DNA from each gamete that contains all the genetic information needed to form a new individual organism. The zygote contains one set of chromosomes from each gamete; therefore, all the genetic information for development is encoded in the zygote. Therefore, the zygote has twice the number of chromosomes as the gamete.

After the successful union of two gametes, the chromosomes of each gamete join together, which explains why the zygote carries 2 sex chromosomes (XY or XX) and 2 copies of autosomes.   

During fertilization, two gamete cells fuse and develop into a zygote, which is a diploid cell. The fertilized egg has a diploid number of chromosomes and will eventually develop into an embryo.

Zygotes are diploid cells produced by fusion. When male and female gametes fuse together to form a diploid zygote, the zygote eventually grows into the offspring of both parents.    

On the other hand, a fertilized egg is a eukaryotic cell formed from the unity of male and female gametes. When four haploid daughter cells join in a process called fertilization, they form what is called a zygote.

Male and female gametes develop through the process of meiosis, a type of cell division in which a mother cell divides into four daughter cells. Unlike male gametes, female gametes (eggs) and zygotes are immobile.   

Difference Between Zygote and Gamete in Tabular Form

Parameters of Comparison Gamete Zygote
Definition After fertilisation, each of the progenitor cells (male or female) is engaged in the process. The fertilised ovum is the result of the fertilisation of two cells (haploid).
Final Product Produced Zygote. Foetus.
Movement The male cell can migrate, while the female cell cannot. There is no way to move.
Cell Composition There is just one genome and one copy of the autosome. Each combination of chromosomes and a duplicate autosome.
Types There are two gametes: male and female. The mature zygote is a distinct kind by itself.

What is a Gamete?

A gamete is a type of reproductive cell. It regulates the expression of masculine and female traits in the merged bulk. As an outcome, the resulting sex is decided by the primordial gametes that take part in the fusion. Whereas other scientists agree that the confluence of two X chromosomes is more probable than just the confluence of an X chromosome with a Y chromosome. A gamete is a post-copulation method of recombination.

Male gametes cannot fuse with other male gametes, whereas female gametes may. This indicates that only an X chromosome can merge with either an X or a Y chromosome. A Y chromosome, on either hand, can only combine with the X chromosome and not the Y chromosome. The earlier situation produces female offspring, whereas the latter produce male offspring.

What is a Zygote?

A zygote is a fertilised unit that adheres to the fallopian tube following unification and through a number of developmental stages before becoming the foetus. It is also known as the initial stage in which the foetus acquires its own individuality.   The male gamete is linked only with the female gamete during this procedure, culminating in the fusion of the sexes.

A chromosome contains of 46 chromosomes, 23 out of male gamete and 23 as from female gamete, respectively. In terms of size, a zygote is larger than that of the gametes that contributed to its creation. After a few weeks, the form becomes spherical and eventually acquires the structure of a fully grown embryo. The procedure of persistent planting in the oviducts restricts mobility.

Also, it impacts the effectiveness percentage of the fertilisation that occurred earlier in the development process. The implementation of effective cannot proceed unless the zygote binds itself with the fallopian tube. As either a result, the embryo's development is also hindered. Due to the unpredictable nature of survival circumstances in such a tragic event, the resulting foetus may not always live.

Process of Zygote and Gamete Formation

Produced by sexually reproducing organisms, male gametes (also called sperm) fuse with female gametes (also called eggs or eggs) to form a zygote. In mammals, sperm (male gamete) fertilize an egg (egg, female gamete), and the fertilized egg is called a zygote. Fertilization will take place and as a result of the union of the two gametes, a fertilized egg is formed.   

When this happens, the first stage of development of the organism will come. This process is critical because multi-sperm fertilization or polyspermy results in the formation of a zygote with extra chromosomes. During fertilization, a series of reactions trigger the fusion of gametes to form a diploid cell called a zygote.  

The fusion of haploid gametes to form a diploid zygote is a common feature of sexual reproduction in all organisms except bacteria. Gametes are haploid cells (humans have 23 chromosomes) and zygotes are the first diploid cells of new organisms (humans have 46 chromosomes). Gametes are haploid cells that regenerate the diploid chromosomes in the zygote by fusing the two together.    

Gametes carry only one set of chromosomes, making them so-called haploid cells. For example, human gametes have 23 chromosomes, while asexual cells (somatic cells) have 46. Organisms that reproduce sexually must produce haploid cells called gametes (they contain half of the standard genetic material).  

During sexual reproduction, gametes are formed by meiosis of germ cells located in the gonads. Gametes are mature male or female germ cells that can fuse with other germ cells to form the opposite sex, forming a zygote. Fertilized eggs are formed during the sexual reproduction of an organism and can regenerate the ploidy of somatic cells in the body.    

This is called cleavage, a process in which the zygote breaks down into many smaller cells. In unicellular organisms, the zygote can divide asexually by mitosis to produce identical offspring. Site of Gamete Fusion on the Egg, IVF study showed that while gamete fusion can occur anywhere on the surface of the egg, the resulting zygote can still divide into a two-celled pro-embryo in much the same way as a single zygote in an angiosperm embryo sac.

In algae, zygospores emerge as cells after the fusion of unicellular gametes. In plants, fertilized eggs may be polyploid if fertilization occurs between gametes that are not reduced by meiosis. Because gametes are haploid, fusion will result in the regeneration of diploid zygotes.    

While a zygote with XX produces a female, a zygote with XY produces a male. Fraternal twins, on the other hand, develop from two separate zygotes (two separate eggs fertilized by two different sperm).

 The foetus is the last stage of intrauterine development, promotes the development of organs, the gamete is the cell unit of sexual reproduction, transmitting genetic information to offspring, while the zygote is the first stage of intrauterine development, promoting cell division and implantation of the reproductive organs. new organism in the endometrium. 


In biology, gametes are haploid. Even though a primary spermatocyte only has one set of chromosomes, it lacks half the number of chromosomes code required to make a full creature. Whenever gametes unite, a zygote is generated, which is why it is diploid in nature. A pair of chromosomes has paired chromosomes and hence contains all of the genetic information required to make a full individual.

Number of chromosomes

Because gametes are created through the meiotic division, they only have one form of each chromosome. There are 23 autosomes and either an X or a Y chromosome (23, X/Y). While an egg could only contain an X chromosome, sperm can have either an X or a Y chromosome.

All chromosomes are duplicated in zygotes. The presence of XX or XY chromosomes (46, XX/XY) is possible. An XX bearing zygote will give birth to a girl, whereas an XY containing zygote may give birth to a male.


A female gamete and a zygote are similar in that they are both huge and spherical, however, a male gamete is indeed a tadpole-like cell that can move towards the fallopian tube.


Sperm cells are produced in the testis, which is part of the male reproductive organs. Oocytes are produced in the ovaries, which are a component of the female reproductive system. Once sperm and egg merge in the fallopian tube, a component of the female reproductive system, a zygote becomes created.

The Cell Growth

After fertilisation, the oocyte is halted in the meiotic division of the second meiotic division. Cell divisions don't really occur in mature sperms generated by meiosis. The zygote generated upon fertilisation proceeds fast mitotic divisions to create the blastocyst and, eventually, the baby.


The sperm is structured like a tadpole, with a head, a midsection, and a tail. These have relatively little cytoplasm. The oocyte is the biggest human cell that can only be seen with the naked eye. The cell is spherical in form and made up of a lot of cytoplasms.


The ovum and zygote remain gradually transported by the fluid flow in the oviduct and are not externally active. The sperm cells remain outwardly dynamic and moving, swimming against the fluid flow in the oviduct with their tails.

Final Result

The zygote is formed when gametes fuse during fertilisation. The zygote, through mitosis, arises to the foetus, which emerges to the organism.

Main Differences between a Gamete and a Zygote in Points

  1. A gamete is a reproductive cell (typically male or female) that is the first unit of fertilisation. A zygote, on either hand, is the combined product of fertilisation and has its own identity.
  2. The zygote is the resulting product of gamete fusion, and the zygote doesn't really perform additional fusion instead evolves into a foetus throughout time.
  3. In terms of motility, the gamete can only move in a restricted way (male), whereas the zygote is a static creature incapable of any form of mobility.
  4. A gamete consists of one kind of chromosomal (either X or Y) and an autosome copy. A zygote, but on the other hand, has always been made up of a pair (similar or dissimilar) and make pairs of autosomes.
  5. Male (Y chromosome) and female (X chromosome) gametes are mutually exclusionary (X chromosome). Because zygotes are diploid in nature, they should be further classified.
  6. Meiosis produces gametes, which have half the number of chromosomes as genetic material. During fertilisation and zygote development, this chromosomal number is restored.
  7. As a result, gamete and zygote seem to be the two stages of reproductive cells that contribute to each species' consistent chromosomal number.
  8. A male gamete and a female gamete (the bigger of the two) (the small in size usually seen with the tail)


The sheer number of steps involved in development causes misunderstanding in-between the appearance of gametes and zygotes. When seen separately, the pair are just successive steps - the zygote comes after the fusing of gametes. Despite functional and structural variations at each level, the anatomy stays consistent. The following steps are wholly reliant on these two.

A gamete is a cellular unit that transmits genetic codes to progeny during reproduction. During fertilisation, two gametes fuse to produce a zygote. During the germinal stage, it begins to divide through mitosis, expanding the cell number. This 16-cell stage is known as the morula, and it develops into the blastocyte.

The embryo is referred to as a foetus from week 9 till delivery. The foetus resembles a person. The organs grow throughout the foetal stage, creating a new entity for delivery. As a result, the three phases of vertebrate prenatal development are zygote, embryo, and foetus.



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"Difference Between Zygote and Gamete." Diffzy.com, 2025. Tue. 11 Feb. 2025. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-zygote-and-gamete-13>.

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