Difference Between IQ and EQ

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: September 15, 2023


Difference Between IQ and EQ

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Let’s first clarify what IQ and EQ mean before discussing how they differ from one another. While IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient and shows a person’s level of intelligence, EQ, or Emotional Quotient, refers to a person’s capacity to comprehend both his or her own emotions as well as those of others. While many individuals believe that having a high IQ is crucial for success in life, research shows that having a high EQ is more important for work success. Therefore, the question of which is better than the other is one of the most contentious ones. While IQ is a score that compares a person’s logical or reasoning abilities to the statistical average. On the other hand, EQ suggests a person’s level of emotional intelligence.

IQ vs. EQ

The major distinction between IQ and EQ is that the former measures one’s capacity for reasoning, whilst the latter refers to one’s capacity for sensing, analyzing, and regulating emotions. The phrases IQ and EQ are frequently misunderstood and misused. These are two various measurements. The terms EQ and IQ stand for emotional quotient and cognitive quotient, respectively. While we think of IQ as a measure of a person’s intelligence, we think of EQ as a person’s capacity to comprehend and control their emotions. People with high EQ typically make excellent leaders and team members because they have a strong capacity for understanding empathy and connection with those around them. A person’s IQ, or intelligence Quotient, is determined by the results of one of many standardized tests used to measure that person’s intelligence. Academic aptitude is assessed using IQ, which is also used to spot people with unusually high IQs or other mental impairments. EQ is used to identify leaders, strong team players, and individuals who perform best on their own. It is a better predictor of success in the workplace.

Whether IQ or EQ is more significant depends on your point of view. “A high IQ will get you through school, a high EQ will get you through life”, claim proponents of EQ. some people even think EQ is overvalued in emotionally demanding employment, and that cognitive ability (IQ) is a stronger indicator of success. In a meta-analysis that combined the findings from multiple studies comparing IQ and EQ, it was discovered that IQ accounted for more than 14% of job performance whereas emotional intelligence accounted for less than 1%.

Difference Between IQ and EQ in Tabular Form

MeaningThe capacity to recognize, evaluate, and manage one’s own, other people’s, and group members’ emotions is known as Emotional Quotient or Emotional Intelligence.A result obtained from one of the many standardized tests used to measure intelligence is known as an intelligence quotient (IQ).
AbilitiesOne should be able to recognize, appraise, regulate, and express one's own emotions as well as those of others. One should also be able to recognize and evaluate others' emotions as well as use emotions to help one think and comprehend their meanings.Ability to study, comprehend, and apply information; logical reasoning; word understanding; math; abstract and spatial thinking; ability to filter out extraneous information.
In the workplaceLeadership, teamwork, service orientation, and effective relationships.The accomplishment of difficult tasks, capacity for analysis and making connections, and research and development.
IdentifiesLeaders, team players, people who operate better alone, and people who have social issues.Individuals with exceptional needs, are those who are very talented or skilled.
OriginWayne Payne wrote “A Study of Emotion: Developing Emotional Intelligence” as his doctoral dissertation in 1985. Daniel Goleman’s 1995 book “Emotional Intelligence- Why it can matter more than IQ” made the term widely used.An English statistician, Francis Galton published “Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development” in 1883. The first use was in a 1905 test developed by French psychologist Alfred Binet to evaluate French schoolchildren.
IQ vs EQ

What is IQ?

The intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a measurement of a person’s capacity for reasoning. IQ is a score meant to represent a person’s capacity for problem-solving using knowledge and logic. IQ is typically used as a measure of someone’s intelligence. Intelligence measurement as a concept dates back to 1883. Francis Galton, an English statistician, discussed the concept in his article “Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development”. Alfred Binet, a French psychologist, created a test in 1905. The goal of the first IQ test in France was to categorize school children according to intellectual powers. An IQ test can be used to determine someone’s IQ. IQ tests evaluate both fluid and crystallized intelligence. Fluid intelligence is the capacity to think, solve problems, and comprehend abstract ideas, whereas crystallized intelligence is the knowledge and abilities we acquire throughout the course of our lives. The former is directly related to knowledge and experience, and it gets better as we age. The latter, or fluid intelligence, on the other hand, is independent of learning and tends to deteriorate with age. It’s crucial to keep in mind, though, that since intelligence is an abstract idea, there isn’t a specific way to quantify it. IQ tests come in a variety of formats. They might include several smaller examinations that assess memory, cognition, math prowess, and speed of information processing. Furthermore, these examinations can be given by certified psychologists. In academic placement (during college and university admission tests), employee selection, and the detection of intellectual impairments, IQ values are used. Although IQ tends to be more genetically determined, there are several ways to maximize a person's IQ through brain-stimulating activities and mental exercises including puzzles, lateral thinking challenges, and problem-solving strategies that encourage creative thinking.

IQ testing has been made to appear more objective by theorists. Due to its consideration of age, the Stanford-Binet test was the first accurate IQ test. The test’s evaluation of the test-takers’ mental age is divided by their chronological age, multiplied by 100, which determines their score. Three IQ tests were created by the American psychologist David Wechsler: one for younger children and elementary school-age children, one for older children, and one for adults. Factor analysis is used to calculate the score. The assessment’s subsets are compared to age-based criteria for evaluation. The Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities is another regularly utilized assessment. Woodcock-Johnson uses in-depth exams to evaluate a wide range of cognitive abilities. All three tests are still in use, yet none of them is regarded as the most reliable or effective. IQ tests are frequently used in a variety of fields, including education. Testing advocates point out that it is a standardized evaluation that demonstrates intelligence transcends class, determines the need for special education, and assesses the efficacy of specialized instruction and programs. IQ tests can also reveal hidden abilities. The drawback of these tests is that they only offer a limited amount of data. They do not take into account non-academic intellectual ability, hence they do not assess underlying cognitive processes or predict success in the workplace. Similarly, even when innovative or novel responses demonstrate logical thinking, they are nonetheless regarded as incorrect. Children’s potential may be limited by their IQ. Last but not least, some IQ test questions may be biased toward minorities or other cultures.

What is EQ?

Emotional intelligence or EQ is a term used to describe this trait. It relates to our capacity to recognize our own emotions as well as those of others, to distinguish between various emotions and assign them the proper labels, to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and to modify emotions to accommodate carried circumstances. Only in 1985 was the notion of EQ first introduced. The notion was put forth in Wayne Payne’s doctoral dissertation, “A Study of Emotion: Developing Emotional Intelligence”. Daniel Goleman’s 1995 book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ helped to popularize the concept of EQ.

There is research that links successful professions and people with greater EQ. people that have high EQ typically achieve more, perform better in teams and serve others, and show greater initiative. Several big businesses and enterprises require EQ testing throughout the employment process and offer coaching sessions on social and emotional abilities. The concept of social and emotional learning (SEL) is becoming increasingly well-liked among students as well as professionals. EQ, then, is the capacity to recognize, assess, and manage emotions. Low empathy may be one of the signs of some disorders like High Functioning Autism (HFA) or Asperger’s. there has been researching with control groups that show EQ can be altered in people with HFA or Aspergers, despite some studies finding that adults with Aspergers exhibit poor empathy. Additionally, scholars contend that emotional intelligence consists of four elements: the ability to perceive emotions, reason with emotions, comprehend emotions, and manage emotions. EQ can be learned, contrary to the claims of some academics who assert that it is an innate quality. In addition, there are many tests available to gauge EQ. The trait model concentrates on self-reported behavior tendencies. This is also the simplest to score and administer. The ability model, on the other hand, concentrates on a person’s capacity to interpret emotional data and make use of it to acclimatize to social situations.

Many standardized tests assess emotional intelligence, even though doing so is very subjective. Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Through a series of emotional-based problem-solving exercises, the Emotional Intelligence Test puts test takers through. The emphasis of the Goleman measuring paradigm is on emotional competencies. The Emotional Competency Inventory or the Emotional Intelligence Appraisal are two exams that are used in Goleman’s methodology. The supporters and detractors of each test are different. The benefits of EQ testing include the capacity to forecast professional success and teamwork skills. Testing is not a reliable indicator of success in school or on the job, though, because emotional intelligence goes against accepted notions of intelligence. Therefore, while those with high EQ perform well at work, high EQ is not always indicated by tests. The result’s inaccuracy contributes to a portion of the issue. People frequently answer questions incorrectly to perform well. As a result, the outcomes are by nature subjective.

The Main Difference Between IQ and EQ in Points

  • The term “emotional quotient”, or “EQ”, refers to a person’s level of emotional intelligence as measured by test results. A person’s IQ, Intelligence Quotient, is a score acquired from a standardized intelligence test that indicates their capacity for logical reasoning.
  • A person’s IQ level determines how successful they will be in school, whereas their EQ level indicates how successful they will be in real life.
  • The ability to recognize one’s own and other people’s emotional expression or social and emotional intelligence, is measured by Emotional Quotient. In contrast, Intelligence Quotient gauges a person’s aptitude for learning and critical thinking.
  • Emotional Quotient is increased and acquired. On the other hand, an ability is something you are born with and is Intellectual Quotient.
  • Perceiving emotions, using emotions to make decisions, comprehending emotions, and controlling emotions are the four facets of emotional intelligence or EQ. The knowledge and skills we gain during life, as well as our capacity for logic, problem-solving, and abstract understanding, are all factors in IQ or Intelligence Quotient.
  • A person with a high EQ can sense, regulate, and express their own emotions as well as other people's emotions. On the other hand, someone with a high IQ can study, comprehend, and apply knowledge, and they are capable of logical reasoning and abstract thought.
  • Leaders, captains, managers, and individuals with social issues are all examples of persons with high emotional intelligence. Contrarily, the intelligence quotient indicates those who have superior intelligence, sound judgment, mental problems, etc.


Different people have varying levels of IQ and EQ. it is conceivable for someone to have a high Intelligence Quotient (IQ) but a low Emotional Quotient (EQ) score and the opposite is also true. As a result, several methodologies are used to measure IQ and EQ. your IQ determines your abilities and personal capabilities, but your EQ decides how you relate to and treat others in your life and how you will handle pressure or a crisis. No one can change their IQ or capacity for reasoning, but everyone can learn to control their emotions, which will help them succeed in life.


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"Difference Between IQ and EQ." Diffzy.com, 2024. Mon. 29 Apr. 2024. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-iq-and-eq>.

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