Difference Between Holy Bible and New Testament

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: April 30, 2023


Difference Between Holy Bible and New Testament

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The Holy Bible and the New Testament are two different things and refer to two separate books of the Bible. The first book that refers to the Holy Bible is the Old Testament, which was written during the years from around 1400 to 400 B.C., while the New Testament was written between A.D. 45 and 100, making it about 30 to 60 years after the last book of the Old Testament had been written. The New Testament was primarily written in Greek, though there are some instances of Aramaic as well, with just one book being written in Hebrew called Matthew, and another in Latin called Revelation.

The Bible is one of the most influential and well-known texts in history, but not everyone understands all of its text. Many people refer to the entirety of the Bible as the Holy Bible, but in reality, this isn’t true. The Holy Bible refers to the Old Testament, which was completed before Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, while the New Testament refers to the books written after that time that focus on Jesus and his teachings. While there are many differences between these two texts, there are three major ones that separate them from each other.

The distinction between these two books is that they are written in different languages. The language used in the writing of the Old Testament was Hebrew whereas New Testament was written in the Greek language. Another difference between both of them is their chronological order: Old Testament comes before New Testament chronologically. For example, you can compare Deuteronomy with Luke because Luke comes after Deuteronomy in terms of time. Another important thing to note here is that both parts were written by people whom God chose as his messengers; hence, both parts are divinely inspired. The word Bible is sometimes misunderstood. It refers to two books: The Old Testament (OT) and The New Testament (NT). Both books are part of what Christians call The Word of God. However, many people do not know that they differ in size, format, content, and even authorship.

Here are some differences between them The Old Testament has 39 books while New Testament has 27 books. These numbers may vary according to which version of Bible one uses. The arrangement of OT follows a chronological order while NT does not follow any particular pattern in its arrangement. It is quite random. OT contains historical accounts while NT consists mostly of letters written by Jesus' disciples and other followers who had direct contact with him during his lifetime on earth. OT has a relatively consistent style of writing while NT varies greatly from book to book. OT is more poetic than NT but it still uses prose. There are many similarities between OT and NT like their emphasis on faithfulness, obedience, and honesty. They also share themes such as love for enemies, forgiveness, mercy, justice, etc. One interesting similarity is that there are three main characters in both parts: Moses (Old Testament), John (New Testament), and Jesus Christ (New Testament). Moses led Israelites out of Egypt through a parted sea into Promised Land where he gave the Ten Commandments to his people. John baptized Jesus Christ at the river Jordan when he declared him the Son of God.

Holy Bible vs New Testament

Which is right? Which is wrong? When considering which religious text to follow, it’s important to understand exactly what you’re getting into. Many people are under the impression that there are two versions of Christianity out there, when in fact these two religions have a lot more in common than many people realize. This is especially true when it comes to their holy texts—the Bible and The Koran are both revered texts in these religions, but they aren’t considered divinely inspired. Let’s take a look at how Christians view these texts in comparison with how Muslims view them

For example, all four gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are included in both religions’ sacred texts. They show stories from Jesus’ life, his miracles performed while on Earth, and his teachings as passed down by his disciples after he died on the cross. However, some things were lost or changed between what was originally written down and when it was translated over time (which is why translations today differ slightly). Over centuries of copying Bibles by hand, each change became embedded into some variations while other Bibles preserved original information or tried to correct old mistakes. It’s important to understand that neither religious text is considered more right than another because they are essentially different versions of a similar story. There are also many similarities between The Koran and The Bible, but there are a few key differences:

The Koran has 114 chapters called suras, whereas The Bible has 66 books called psalms; however, both contain similar information about God’s creation of Earth, Adam and Eve being cast out of Eden for disobeying God, and Noah building an ark during a flood.

Difference Between Holy Bible and New Testament in Tabular Form

Parameters of Comparison Holy Bible   New Testament
Number of Books 39+27=66       It comprises 27 books.
Chronological Time    No time duration            0-100 A.D.
Language        Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek            Koine Greek
Written By      It is assumed that the first five books are written by Mosses. It was written by Jewish and non-Jewish writers.

What is Holy Bible?

The word Bible means book. It is a collection of sacred writings to Christians, originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. These writings are divided into two major groups: The Old Testament (comprised of 39 books) and The New Testament (comprised of 27 books). Some bibles contain additional scriptures not found in some other bibles. These additional scriptures include The Apocrypha, or additional deuterocanonical books from The Old Testament; as well as The Early Church Fathers, or letters from early church leaders that are viewed as authoritative. Thus each bible is different. The holy bible can be compared to another holy book because it tells about a religion that was written by Moses. It is believed that God gave him these instructions so people could follow them for their lifetime. The holy bible tells us about the laws and commandments of God. One more thing to mention here is that the holy bible includes both old and new testaments while the new testament consists of the only new testament.

What is Testament?

The Hebrew word for testament, d’berith, means a covenant or an agreement. The Greek equivalent is diatheke (in English, diatessaron), which also means covenant. A testament is a promise by one person to another about what will happen after their death. For example, in the case of Jesus Christ, God made several covenants with mankind through Adam (the first man), Noah (the flood), and Moses (Mosaic Law). By creating man in His image—something that He didn't do with animals—God created a special relationship between Himself and humans. When Adam broke that relationship through sin, God promised to restore it if humanity would submit to His son Jesus Christ as King of Kings. This restoration is called the new covenant. This new agreement was prophesied throughout Scripture from Genesis 3:15 up to Revelation 22:20. Therefore, when you read Old Testament prophecies about Jesus' coming, you are reading prophecies of both His first coming (His birth, life, and crucifixion) and his second coming (His return to earth at Armageddon). In short, everything written in both Testaments points toward Christ; hence they are both parts of The Covenant or The Testaments. The major difference between them is that while the Old Testament contains laws and stories about how people were saved under Mosaic Law, it doesn't contain any instructions on how to be saved under Grace. The book of Acts says there was no need for such instructions because salvation came through faith in Christ alone.

Old Testament

The first five books of The Bible are known as The Old Testament. These books, which include Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy were written by several different authors over many years. Among these writers were Moses (known as the lawgiver), Joshua (who led Israel into their land after they escaped Egypt), Samuel (who was both a judge to Israel as well as a prophet), David (who wrote many Psalms), Solomon (who built The Temple in Jerusalem) along with other people. While some events in these books may seem foreign to those living in today’s world; they remain integral to understanding Christian thought throughout history. Additionally, while most Christians do not follow all of the laws outlined in The Old Testament, they do see it as an important part of their faith.

New Testament

The term New Testament was first used in Greek (New Covenant) by Luke, but it is usually not used as a title in biblical times. More formally, it was known as The Gospel according to Saint Matthew. The best-known books are probably Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It is believed that Jesus never wrote anything himself - instead his message was passed on through eyewitnesses who wrote down what they saw him say and do. These were written after he died and were then collected together into one volume called 'The New Testament'. This collection of writings forms part of what Christians call 'The Holy Bible. These writings are regarded as sacred because they tell us about God's plan for our lives. They also tell us how we can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. So why don't we just call it 'The Holy Bible? Well, because there is another book which forms part of 'The Holy Bible' called The Old Testament or Hebrew Scriptures.

The Main Difference Between Holy Bible and New Testament in Points

  • The Old Testament is a collection of books that, in Judaism, constitute all sacred scripture.
  • The Christian Old Testament consists of 46 books: 39 in Protestant editions with an added 7 Catholic deuterocanonical books, which are not found in Jewish editions.
  • The order and names of some books differ between Christian tradition and Jewish tradition.
  • The New Testament is a collection of early Christian writings that tells more about Jesus than any other single source.
  • It includes 27 books (the four gospels and twenty-one letters) but also includes two other collections within it - 14 epistles (letters) by St. Paul within it, plus one by St. Peter.
  • The New Testament was written between 50 AD and 100 AD. For example, John 21:25 says Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. But we do have those other things written down because they were included in what became known as The Gospel (good news). So we can see how big a role writing played in spreading knowledge to others at that time! And that’s why there are so many different versions of Christianity today.
  • Each group has its own set of scriptures, just like each group has its way of practicing Christianity today.
  • The main difference between Holy Bible and New Testament is where they come from.
  • The Old Testament comes from God through Moses while The New Testament comes from Jesus Christ himself through his apostles.
  • Another difference between them is how they should be used. According to the Christian faith, The Old Testament was written for Jews only; but now that Jesus has come, Christians can use it as a guide for their life.
  • The New Testament was written for all people including Christians, so it can help them understand more about Christianity.
  • The most significant difference between these two books is that the holy bible tells us about the laws and commandments of God while the new testament tells us about the teachings of Jesus Christ such as what he did on earth, why he came to earth, and who he is, etc.


The Holy Bible is comprised of both the Old Testament (or First Covenant) and New Testament (the Second Covenant). The Old Testament includes 39 books that cover Judaism, leading up to Jesus' birth. The New Testament includes 27 books about Christianity, which stems from Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Only these two texts are canonized by orthodox churches as God-given truths; every other religious text is deemed non-canonical or apocryphal. However, in some Christian sects, such as Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, there are additional books included in their Bibles called deuterocanonical. These books are not accepted by all Christians because they were written after Jesus' death.


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"Difference Between Holy Bible and New Testament." Diffzy.com, 2024. Thu. 25 Apr. 2024. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-holy-bible-and-new-testament-513>.

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