Difference Between Developing and Least Developed Countries

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: April 30, 2023


Difference Between Developing and Least Developed Countries

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With the expanding population, we live in a world that is always changing. People all across the world are going through social and emotional changes. There is immense happiness at times and extreme sadness at other times. People, on the other hand, tend to move on with their life regardless of the obstacles they confront. People in our world are encouraged to become self-sufficient and work for their survival. We will discuss resources and their value in this world essay. For over 7 billion people, a globe is a lovely place. Everyone is lucky to have access to resources and a pleasant environment in which to live. Our world is full of great people who speak various languages, live in various locations, and adhere to various customs. However, the ideals, values, and compassion for one another remain unchanged. The planet is full of great individuals as well as natural resources, plants, and fauna. Mountains, rivers, oceans, forests, hills, and other natural resources are among them. The world is made up of various nations/countries, each with its own culture and diversity based on various factors and observations. There are 195 countries in the globe, which are split into three categories: first world countries, second world countries, and third world countries. There are 195 countries in the globe, with 193 of them belonging to the United Nations member states. Non-Member observer states are two more countries. There are a few criteria by which countries are classified as developed or developing.

  1. freedom or media freedom
  2. Every human being in the country has rights.
  3. The nation's economy and the world of peace Index of Happiness

Scientists have long been interested in the issue of discrepancies between industrialized and poor countries (Barro and Sala-i-Martin 1992; Baumol 1986). The Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution, which brought prosperity to some countries while leaving the rest behind, are at the root of modern worldwide disparity (Deaton 2014; Piketty 2014). Madison (2001, 2008) claims that the disparity in income and life expectancy began considerably earlier at the dawn of the early modern era. This raises concerns about the trajectory of current and future inter-country inequality, which is regarded as a key issue that requires global attention (ISSC et al. 2016). Goal 10 of the Sustainable Development Goals, for example, aims to "reduce inequality within and across nations" (United Nations 2018a). Several studies have looked at time series of various development indicators (mainly income, health, and education indicators) across nations to see if they are converging (i.e., inequality between them is reducing) or diverging (i.e., the disparity between them is increasing) (increasing inequality). They've found evidence for both divergences (Decancq et al. 2009; Mazumdar 2003; McGillivray and Pillarisetti 2004; Milanovic 2005), with Pritchett (1997) declaring "divergence, big time," and convergence (Kónya and Guisan 2008; McGillivray and Markova 2010; Jordá and Sarabia 2015; Jordá and Nio-Zaraza 2017), with Sala-i-Martin (2006).

Convergence concepts have a flaw in that they were developed in the context of economic progress and wealth increase. It's difficult to apply to other well-being indicators. According to Noorbakhsh (2006), the principle of diminishing returns can also be applied to health and education indicators. This is because, for example, higher education costs more than primary education, and advances in life expectancy in developed countries rely on advanced medical technology, whereas in developing countries, low-cost prevention and treatment options can easily reduce mortality (Jordá and Sarabia 2015). Existing "Beta" and "Sigma" convergence measures, however, have some flaws. To begin with, they are designed to compare the disparities of a set of countries (or regions), rather than the distance between specific countries. As a result, they don't show how much work impoverished countries must put in to catch up to rich countries, or how far behind they are. It's also impossible to compare how much behind (or behind) the poor countries are on various indicators, such as which indication requires more attention due to a longer lag than others.

Countries, both developed and developing The United Nations divides countries into two primary categories: industrialized countries and developing countries. Countries are classified depending on their economic position, such as GDP, GNP, per capita income, industrialization, level of living, and so on. In comparison to other nations, developed countries refer to a sovereign state whose economy has advanced significantly and which has a strong technological infrastructure.

Developing Countries vs. Least Developed Countries

The fundamental distinction between developing and least developed countries is the people's per capita income. Developing countries make do with per capita incomes that range from average to below average, while least developed countries have extremely low per capita incomes.

Difference Between Developing Countries and Least Developed Countries in Tabular Form

Parameters Of Comparison   Developing Countries Least Developed Countries
Per Capita Income In these countries, per capita income ranges from middle to low. These countries have a lower per capita income than the poor.
Rate of Population These countries have a high population growth rate. These countries' population growth rates range from moderate to high.
Agricultural Dependency Agriculture is heavily reliant on the sector, but processes are outdated. Agriculture's dependence on the sector is modest and trailing.
Rate of Unemployment The unemployment rate is at an all-time high. When compared to emerging countries, the unemployment rate is at its greatest.
Capital Markets They are in the process of becoming more developed. They have one of the least developed financial systems in the world.

What are Developing Countries?

A developing country has a low economic output compared to other countries. There has been much dispute about where to draw the line between developed and developing countries, as seen by the lack of a uniform definition for the phrase. The United Nations has certain guidelines for determining which countries are developed and which are developing. The World Bank has replaced this terminology with others based on gross national income (GNI) per person, such as "low-income" or "lower-middle-income" economies.

Developing countries are those that are still in the early stages of industrial development and have low per capita incomes. These nations fall into the third-world country category. They are also referred to as less-developed nations. Developing nations rely on developed nations to help them grow industries across the nation. The nation has a low Human Development Index (HDI), which translates to low Gross Domestic Product, a high rate of illiteracy, subpar educational, transportation, and medical facilities, unmanageable public debt, unequal income distribution, high birth and death rates, malnutrition of both mother and child, which results in a high infant mortality rate, and a high level of unemployment and poverty.

Debt has a significant impact on developing nations. This is because developing nations must dedicate more money to address their debt difficulties. Debt can have a detrimental impact on the economy and social climate of the host nation. Domestic money is typically used to address this indebtedness issue. Developing nations have low levels of savings because they have poor incomes. Savings are not enough to pay off the debt. As a result, the government raises taxes to address the problem. However, this will result in inflationary taxation, which will burden future generations. As a result, the government borrows money abroad. The term "developing country" is frequently used to describe nations with low levels of economic development, but this is typically strongly related to social development in terms of things like life expectancy, healthcare, and education. Statistics such as GDP per capita, illiteracy rates, and water access are used to gauge a nation's level of development. A developing country has a low standard of life and has not experienced a considerable level of industrialization relative to its population. Low income and rapid population increase are strongly correlated.

The following factors are used to determine the economic stability of developing nations:

  1. Greater earnings
  2. Improved economic welfare indicators
  3. Increased tax revenues
  4. Emergence of difference
  5. Externalization of harm and a lack of property

Developing nations frequently share the following traits:

  1. Very low standards of living, low wages, inequality, bad health, and insufficient educational opportunities.
  2. Insufficient levels of productivity
  3. High growth rates and heavy reliance burdens (child and adulthood ratios)
  4. State and underemployment are at high and rising levels.
  5. Significant reliance on agricultural output and exports to first markets.
  6. Inefficient marketplaces and limited information are common.
  7. In negotiations, power dynamics, reliance, and vulnerability.

What are Least Developed Countries?

The UN has designated a group of nations as "least developed" due to their low gross national income (GNI), poor human capital, and high level of economic vulnerability. These nations are collectively known as the least developed countries (LDCs). A country is considered to be the least developed (LDC) if it has the lowest socioeconomic development index. If a nation has a low income, a low human assets index, a high economic vulnerability index, and a population of no more than 75 million, it is categorized as an LDC. They have to fulfill all four of these conditions.

The Committee for Development Policy (CDP) of the UN Economic and Social Council reviews the LDC criteria every three years (ECOSOC). When indicators surpass these standards in two successive triennial evaluations, a country may be declassified as an LDC.  The UN-OHRLLS (Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States) manages UN assistance and offers advocacy services for Least Developed Countries. 46 nations are included in the classification (as of December 2020). The promotion of at least half of the present LDC countries during the next ten years was agreed upon by participants at the UN's fourth conference on LDCs, which took place in May 2011. By 2024, 10 or more nations were anticipated to receive an upgrade, with Bangladesh and Djibouti already meeting all requirements as of that year. Three nations—Ghana (no longer meets criteria as of 1994), Papua New Guinea (no longer meets criteria as of 2009), and Zimbabwe—previously met the requirements for LDC designation but chose not to be counted in the index because they questioned the reliability or quality of the CDP's statistics.

Poor nations are known as least developed countries (LDCs) face numerous development challenges. The least developed nations are particularly ineffective at dealing with economic and environmental disasters and also have low human value elements. Every three years, the development committee certifies the status of the least developed nations. There are now 47 countries in this category, according to the latest statistics. LDCs have exclusive access to some types of international assistance, particularly in the trade and development assistance sectors.

LDC characteristics

  1. Inadequate funding and technology.
  2. Low rates of saving.
  3. Twin economies
  4. Varying levels of reliance on global trade.
  5. Rapid population growth (1.6% annually compared to 0.1% for DCS)
  6. Low rates of enrollment in schools and literacy.
  7. Untrained workforce
  8. Institutions with poor development.

Difference between Developing Countries and Least Developed Countries In Points

  1. The term "Developed Countries" refers to independent, affluent nations. Developing countries are those that are currently going through the early stages of industrialization.
  2. Comparisons to developing countries, developed countries have higher GDP and per capita income.
  3. Literacy rates are high in developed nations, whereas the illiteracy rate is high in developing nations.
  4. Developed countries have the superior infrastructure and a safer and healthier environment compared to developing nations.
  5. The industrial sector is how developed nations make money. On the other hand, developing nations make money via the service industry.
  6. The level of life is high in industrialized nations whereas it is moderate in developing nations.
  7. In industrialized nations, resources are used effectively and efficiently. On the other hand, developing nations do not properly utilize their resources.
  8. While both the birth and death rates are high in poor countries, they are both low in wealthy countries.


There is a significant distinction between developed and developing nations because the former has flourished on its own while the latter is transforming into developed nations. The phase of development is something that developing nations go through first. Developed nations have post-industrial economies, and as a result, the majority of their income is generated by the service sector.

In comparison to developing countries, developed countries have a higher human development index. While the latter is still making steps to become sovereign, the former has made itself well-established on all fronts. While least developed nations have only started these operations in their countries, developing nations have reached the point where they can sustain industrial production. For the first time in their history, emerging countries are taking on such risks. The least developed nations have lacked the manpower and creativity to effectively use the resources for industrial development. When compared to the least developed countries, the manpower development is good.

Establishing it on all fronts and becoming sovereign via its efforts, whilst the last thing that was mentioned is still battling to achieve the first stage of the first thing that was mentioned through effort.



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"Difference Between Developing and Least Developed Countries." Diffzy.com, 2024. Wed. 24 Apr. 2024. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-developing-and-least-developed-countries-557>.

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