Difference Between Ulcer and Gastritis

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: April 30, 2023


Difference Between Ulcer and Gastritis

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Humans who have an ulcer or gastroenteritis experience discomfort in the lower abdomen along with symptoms including belching, heartburn, indigestion, nausea or vomiting, and loss of appetite. Both conditions are treated with antacids, and if a bacterial infection is to blame, antibiotics.

Ulcer vs. Gastritis

The type of discomfort that they produce is the major distinction between ulcers and gastritis. While gastritis generates broad discomfort, ulcers only cause localized pain. Along with the type of pain, these two illnesses also have quite different potential afflicted zones.

On the inner mucus lining of the human alimentary canal, primarily the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine, ulcers are sores or lesions that appear in patches. They are brought on by bacterial infections, prolonged use of NSAID-class medications, and protracted fasting from food.

The inner mucous membrane of the stomach has much more widespread inflammation when it has gastroenteritis. In addition to bacterial infection, heavy alcohol use, becoming older, using medicines, and autoimmune diseases can all contribute to gastritis. Sometimes additional illnesses might cause gastritis.

Difference Between Ulcers and Gastritis in Tabular Form

Parameters Of Comparison Ulcers Gastritis
Definition the sores or open lesions in the digestive tract's lining that are causing searing discomfort. the collection of ailments that inflame the stomach lining.
Type of Inflammation The areas where the sores have developed specifically are where the inflammation is present. Inflammation affects the whole stomach and is widespread.
Areas Affected The small intestine, stomach, or esophageal linings may all be impacted. Perhaps only the stomach lining is impacted.
Cause and Effect Persistent gastritis might develop in ulcers. Ulcers can develop from chronic gastritis.
Time of Resolution   Can be resolved in a few months. usually, be fixed in a few weeks.

What is Ulcer?

There are two different forms of ulcers: gastric and duodenal. The former occurs on the mucous membrane of the stomach. Abdominal discomfort is the ulcer's most typical symptom.

H. pylori infection, chronic use of NSAIDs like ibuprofen (Brufen, General, etc.) and naproxen sodium (Naprosyn), which belong to the class of medications known as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Stress and spicy food are examples of lifestyle decisions that may hasten the symptoms. Digestive acids like HCl can make the symptoms worse by corroding the tract's inner lining. Eating specific foods that act as a buffer to the stomach acids or using acid-reducing medications might temporarily relieve the discomfort. Between meals and at night, when the stomach is empty for extended periods, the discomfort may worsen.

Burning stomach discomfort, a sense of fullness, heartburn, bloating or burping, sensitivity to fatty meals and nausea are all signs of ulcers. Patients may have no symptoms at all. Rarely do ulcers cause more severe symptoms like:

  • Bloody stools and vomit that may be crimson or black
  • difficulty breathing
  • Feeling weak
  • unprecedented decrease in weight
  • The appetite shifts

There are a few types of ulcers

  • arterial ulcers
  • venous ulcers
  • mouth ulcers
  • genital ulcers

Arterial Ulcers

Open sores are known as arterial (ischemic) ulcers and typically appear on the smaller side of capillaries and arterioles, most frequently on the outside of your ankle, foot, toes, and heels. Due to inadequate blood supply to the tissue, arteries can get damaged and result in vascular ulcers. When someone is sick and has generally low blood pressure, they may also develop intestinal arterial ulcers. These types of ulcers can take months to heal, and they need to receive the right care to avoid infection and other problems.

The underlying etiology of arterial ulcers determines the course of treatment. The damaged area's blood circulation must be restored as the first step in therapy. Antibiotics could assist with symptom reduction, but your doctor might advise surgery to improve blood flow to your tissues and organs. Your doctor could suggest amputation in more serious situations.

Venous Ulcers

The most typical kind of leg ulcer, venous ulcers are open sores that frequently develop on your leg, below the knee, and on the inside of your ankle. They often arise from vein injury brought on by inadequate blood flow back to the heart. Venous ulcers can occasionally be painless unless they get infected. Other instances of this illness might cause excruciating discomfort.

The entire recovery of venous ulcers might take months. Rarely, they might never recover. The goal of treatment is to increase blood flow to the afflicted region. Antibiotics can lessen symptoms and aid with infection prevention, but they cannot fully treat venous ulcers. Your doctor could advise surgery or compression treatment in addition to medicines to improve blood flow.

Peptic Ulcers

Peptic ulcers are open wounds or sores that may appear on:

  • the lining of your stomach's inside
  • your esophagus and the top part of your small intestine

The course of treatment will depend on the ulcer's underlying etiology. Your doctor can suggest medications to treat an H. pylori infection to eradicate the dangerous bacteria. Acid-lowering drug regimens are often provided for the majority of peptic ulcer patients to help shield the mucosal lining from stomach acid and give it time to recover.

Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are tiny sores or lesions that appear in the mouth or at the gum line. Canker sores are the term used to describe them. Mouth ulcers are frequently gone in two weeks and are rather common. Despite the potential for discomfort, they shouldn't be particularly painful. Consult a doctor right immediately if a mouth ulcer is exceedingly painful or doesn't heal in two weeks.

Small, rounded ulcers with minimal scarring are the appearance of minor mouth sores. In more extreme situations, they may grow into deeper, bigger wounds. These and other severe signs and symptoms of this kind of ulcer are possible. Mouth ulcers frequently heal on their own without medical intervention. Your doctor or dentist could suggest an antibacterial mouthwash or ointment if they start to hurt. This will ease your discomfort.

For the best care, get medical help if your illness is the consequence of a more serious infection.

Genital Ulcers

Genital ulcers are lesions that form on the penis, vagina, anus, or adjacent parts of the genital organs. Although they are typically brought on by STIs, genital ulcers can also be brought on by trauma, inflammatory conditions, or even, in certain circumstances, cancer.

Similar to other forms of ulcers, your condition's underlying cause will determine how it is treated. These lesions may occasionally heal on their own. Your doctor could advise using an antiviral, antibiotic, or topical ointment if you've been diagnosed with an STI. If you suspect you may have been exposed to an STI, get help right once.

What is Gastritis?

Infection with Helicobacter pylori is the most prevalent cause of several diseases that collectively lead to stomach lining inflammation. Other direct causes of gastritis include age, alcohol misuse, chronic pain medication usage, autoimmune gastritis, and chronic immune system damage. Gastritis risk is also increased by medical disorders such as Crohn's disease, HIV/AIDS, and Sarcoidosis. Acidic digestive fluids can more easily cause serious lining damage and inflammation when the mucous membrane of the stomach is damaged. Gastritis can cause stomach ulcers and bleeding if left untreated.

In terms of how it may manifest, there are two forms of gastritis: acute (sudden onset) and chronic (slow, sneaky onset). Upper abdomen soreness or aching that may get better or worse with food consumption, feeling full immediately after eating, nausea, and vomiting are all signs of gastroenteritis. Patients may fail to exhibit any indications or symptoms.

Rarely, persistent gastritis raises the risk of stomach cancer in situations where the stomach lining has undergone significant erosion. However, with the right care, gastritis typically gets better relatively rapidly.

  • Inflammation of the stomach lining is called gastritis. Acute and chronic gastritis are two different forms.
  • Acute and chronic gastritis can both cause symptoms and indications of stomach discomfort, nausea, and vomiting. Occasionally, they can also cause belching, bloating, lack of appetite, and indigestion.
  • The two main causes of gastritis are a bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); however, there are numerous additional causes of the condition, including infectious agents, autoimmune issues, illnesses like Crohn's disease, sarcoidosis, and isolated granulomatous gastritis.
  • Gastritis can be identified by your symptoms and medical history (such as the use of NSAIDs and/or alcohol), as well as by testing for H. pylori detection in the blood, stool, immune system, biopsy, endoscopy, and radiologic examinations.
  • Depending on the reason, there are many treatments for gastritis. Similar treatments may be given for other, less frequent causes, but they do not address the root problem.
  • Chemical irritants that induce or exacerbate the symptoms of gastritis should be minimized or eliminated. For instance, give up smoking, cut back on alcohol consumption, stay away from caffeinated, decaffeinated, and carbonated beverages, as well as citrus fruit juices like grapefruit, orange, and pineapple as well as high-fat meals.
  • There is no specific diet for treating gastritis; however, a diet high in fiber and foods containing flavonoids, such as certain teas, onions, garlic, berries, celery, kale, broccoli, parsley, and thyme, as well as foods containing soy and legumes like lentils, kidney, black, soy, pinto, and navy beans, may prevent the growth of H. pylori.
  • Although most home treatments do not address the underlying cause of the ailment, they may help alleviate the symptoms of gastritis.
  • Acute gastritis patients often have no problems and fully recover. However, if major problems arise, chronic gastritis may have a range of outcomes, from favorable (early treatment) to bad. Rarely, problems from acute gastritis can happen.
  • Peptic ulcers, bleeding ulcers, anemia, stomach cancer, MALT lymphoma, renal issues, strictures, intestinal blockage, or even death are complications from chronic gastritis.
  • Gastritis may also be avoided if underlying factors (such as alcohol consumption or NSAID use) are addressed or avoided.
  • If the underlying reason or causes are treated, gastritis may be cured.
  • Since gastritis is an infection, you may prevent it by using effective hand cleaning methods, such as washing your hands regularly and thoroughly. Avoid circumstances where you are exposed to toxins, radiation, or chemicals to lower your chance of developing gastritis.

Main Difference Between Ulcer and Gastritis In Points

  • Any region of the digestive tract might develop ulcers, which are lesions or sores brought on by the eroding of the inner mucous lining. On the other hand, the term "gastritis" refers to a group of disorders that result in inflammation of the stomach's mucous lining.
  • Gastritis is widespread inflammation of the entire stomach, whereas ulcers are irregular, constrictive areas of the lining of the alimentary canal.
  • The mucus lining of the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum may become infected with ulcers (the first part of the small intestine). Gastritis is solely found in the stomach.
  • Stomach perforation may be caused by ulcers. One of the main causes of ulcers is gastroenteritis.
  • It could take a month or two to heal an ulcer. In general, gastropathy heals much more quickly. The procedure takes longer when there is chronic gastritis, though. Several weeks to a few years, or even longer.

Can Both of them Occur at the Same Time?

Both of them often happen parallelly and go hand in hand. The precursor to stomach ulcers may cause gastritis which eventually causes pylori infection and mucous erosion. Thus, the best medicine for both ulcers and gastritis is Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).


Both gastritis and ulcers are digestive system diseases. Both result in inflammation, however, the kind and area of the inflammation are very different. While Gastritis refers to any collection of disorders that inflame the stomach, an ulcer is a single illness. More severe yet localized pain that is only felt in the afflicted areas is brought on by ulcers.

Stomach ulcers may develop as a result of chronic gastritis. Long-term, untreated ulcers can cause bleeding, malignancy, and even rupture of the stomach. The symptoms and therapies for the two illnesses are remarkably similar. Millions of individuals throughout the world experience these two of the most prevalent digestive system problems each year.



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"Difference Between Ulcer and Gastritis." Diffzy.com, 2024. Thu. 25 Apr. 2024. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-ulcer-and-gastritis-858>.

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